Chapter Nineteen-Unedited

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Jase lifted me into his truck and we drove towards the pack house but made a right turn off, down some dirt road. It was a secured building that looked like it was bullet proof. Nice. I followed Jase to the door he typed in a four digit code:1902. The door opened and I followed him down a corridor and then to another door, he walked in and a bunch of dudes were in there, I'm guessing they were guards.

I casually looked over the room, but I was trained to 'casually' look and take in every detail in a matter of seconds. Jase told me I could pick my guards; well I know who my guards are. One guy sitting in a chair in the corner he didn't look a day older than 17, he had black hair that was short, I could tell he ran his fingers through it a lot. He had golden eyes and a hard jawline, he was muscular and tan, and I could tell he was huge. But he wasn't trained he fidgeted way too much; I wouldn't be surprised if he had never had any training at all.

No trained means he didn't have strong blood. There was something about him, I liked him automatically, it was like something just clicked. I could already feel the bond between us. I had never heard of having a bond with a complete stranger but I was defiantly pulled to this guy. He looked up at me and our eyes met, and I felt the completeness of the bond sealing.

I felt much safer knowing he was in this room with me. I knew he could feel the bond being sealed but unfortunately so could Jase who growled loudly and snapped his eyes to the guy in the corner. I pulled my eyes from this guy and looked to Jase who looked pissed, every guy in the room was looking to the floor, including the bro in the corner.

"What?" I asked, I was irritated at him for interrupting me and the stranger even though I had no idea what just happened or who he was. Jase looked shocked at my tone with him but didn't say anything.

"5 minutes" was all he said.

"Fine" I replied still irritated, I could feel my anger bubbling just beneath the surface. I looked back to the guy.

"I want him as my guard" I told him motioning to the guy. All heads snapped up and stared at him, I immediately felt uncomfortable and shocked, I knew these weren't my emotions, but his. I tried to block them off but I couldn't. it wasn't like me and Jase's bond, with Jase I could just block him out and not have to feel his emotions. This was different.

I hadn't let Jase into my mind once, but I felt vulnerable with this guy like he could reach every corner of my mind. I'm not sure if I felt upset or angry at this point, his emotions mixing with mine were confusing me to no end. I couldn't decipher the differences between my irritation at Jase and his discomfort with everyone staring at him; it was like they were both my own.

"Absolutely not" Jase replied glaring at him making him drop his head in submission, he was confused. Why was he confused? I pushed on the newly found bond in the back of my head and his thoughts invaded my mind. Jase's authority didn't work on him anymore. He didn't feel like he had to bow or do what Jase said and that confused him. I smirked.

'the pros of getting in my head' I thought to him and I watched him bit his tongue to keep from smiling.

"Why?" I asked.

"because he's unmated and he's not trained and just no" Jase replied.

"Train him" I told him.

"no, pick literally anybody else" he pleaded.

"No, I want him" I argued with Jase standing my ground, I crossed my arms over my chest. I wanted this guy, I don't know why I felt so strongly about him being at my back when I needed him, but I was acting on instinct and I always trust my instinct. And instinct was telling me even if Jase said no, this bro would still be at my side with or with his alpha's orders. My gut told me he was more loyal to me now then Jase. Of course Jase didn't have to know that.

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