Chapter Twenty Seven-Unedited

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So here I was going to the store because Kayden wants pineapples. I called Arron and Payda over to stay with her for a few minutes. I didn't call Micah because I didn't trust the bastard, he called my mate sexy. I'm the only one allowed to call her sexy. But Kayden insists she likes him and that's the only reason he is still breathing.

I still keep my eye on Aaron, they have a bond that the elders can't even explain. But he looks after her and is just as protective as I am, which is pretty hard to accomplish. Payda barely knows how to talk to a girl without stuttering so I'm not that worried about him plus I'm pretty sure he goes the other way.

I got her two cans of pineapples and a box of pregnancy tests and drove home grabbing her a strawberry smoothie, because it's her favorite and I'm totally whipped.

I got home and Payda and Aaron were in the living room and Kayden was no where to be found.

"Where is my mate?" I asked them listening for her heartbeat in the house. She was in our room sleeping.

"She's asleep" Aaron answered.

"she said she was tired" Payda told me.

"How far along is she?" Aaron asked, I made sure she was asleep listening to the steady rhythm of her breathing, if she knew we were having this conversation she would probably strangle us with phone cords.

"what do you mean?" I asked him.

"I know she's pregnant" Aaron said in a duh tone.

"Actually she's not" I told him.

"Dude she ate sour patch kids and macaroni earlier" he told me.

"Yeah she ate pancakes and fruit loops for breakfast and she wanted Oreos and hot sauce the night before" I told him setting the bag on the bar.

"Plus she magically got tired and has got up and peed like 3 times in the past 20 minutes" Payda added.

"if she is, she isn't 5 days yet" was all I said.

"what's in the bag?" Aaron asked.

"a can of pineapples" I eplied.

"for what?" he asked.

"She wanted pineapples" I said and Aaron rolled his eyes.

"Your so whipped" he said standing up.

"Yeah where's your mate?" I asked him.

"I'm a free agent" he told me.

"hows sleeping alone?" I asked him.

"Must get awfully cold at night" I said as he left, Payda following laughing.

Kayden came in once the door was closed. "did I wake you up baby?" I asked.

"no" she replied and laid down on the couch.

"What time is it?" she asked. I turned around and looked at the clock and internally groaned.

"It's about 1" I told her.

She sighed, she really didn't look into leaving later. "Do you want to stay?" I asked her.

"No" she replied.

"you can stay love, I can run back at night" I told her, she thought for a minute.

"No I want to go" she told me with a new found determination.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes" She said hardly getting irritated. Well then.

I walked to the couch and kissed her forehead, she grabbed my face roughly and crashed her lips to mine. The smell of her arousal hit me, and with her on my lips and that smell surrounding me there was no way I could tell her no. I was gentle, and didn't get to rough. Holding myself back was hard but I managed.

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