The Wild One

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Just a fair warning, if you dont like cussing, dont read this, becasue there's a lot of cussing at the beginning. Its just her humor, the way she thinks, its part of her personality, so if you cant handle it, just dont read it. Just throwing that out there. Enjoy!!

Have you ever been locked in a cell? Like a legit cell, made of bars, with a little cot and a toilet. No? Well I have, I’ve been in the same cell for the past month, by my asshole of mate. Yeah, lets rewind a few weeks.

“what the fuck, get your hands off my cookies” I told Alpha Logan, pulling my paper Lighting McQueen plate closer to me. God I love cookies. Cookies are the best invention of all centuries. I don’t know why but they are, I mean their delicious, and you can make them in like 20 minutes and the cost like 88 cents, did I mention how delicious they are.

“Why are you so protective over cookies? Their just cookies” he told me still eyeing my plate. Ha, no chance senior dipshit.

“Their my cookies” I told him, and took one, and moaned from its goodness, teasing him. He just rolled his eyes, and sighed really loudly.

“have a nice day” I called after him, and took my cookies and went to the basement. Most of the boys my age were down their playing video games, im the only girl in the pack with the ‘clearance’ to go down to the ‘man’ cave. I went and sat in Luke’s lap with my cookies.

“Can I have a cookie?” Rilen asked, I glared at him.

“Touch my cookies and you die” I told him warningly.

“Yo, pack meeting, living room now” Logan called down the stairs, there was a collective groan, while everyone got up and stomped up the stairs.

The pack meeting was about a pack that’s supposedly attacking in a few days, you cant trust what rogues’ say though.

“What time is it?” I asked going up the stairs to my room, the pack meeting was forever.

“Its like midnight” Daniel grumpled running his fingers through his hair.

I went in my room and collapsed on my bed and immediately feel asleep.

“Kayden” I groaned

“Kayden wake up” Someone demanded.

“Stop fucking shaking me” I told them, there’s two things I love more than anything: cookies and sleep.

“Come on we’re being attacked” I sat straight up.


“the pack that’s supposed to be attacking us in 72 hours, is attacking now” Luke told me.

“They couldn’t wait until I fucking woke up” I mumbled pulling my shoes on and following Luke downstairs into the silence, which bothered me. It was complete silent. Yeah it was nice considering it was always so loud in the pack house, but this wasn’t a good silence. This wasn’t the silence that filled you car when you were going somewhere; this is the silence after someone yells at you for something. The silence where you think about what you did and get guilty.

“What the fuck is going on why is it so fuck-“ Most of them including my alpha were just sitting there, but there were others, I had never seen before just standing there with guns. Luke just pulled me behind him hiding me from view.

The alpha was who caught my eye, the scent going off of him was masculine and strong, and intoxicating. I couldn’t get enough, I could feel my pupils dilating and my eyes slowing turning black. He hadn’t turned around yet but, he just about took up the whole room. He was huge, I could see the muscles in his back through his black shirt, he stood about 6,6. I watched his muscles tense and he turned around looking dead at me, with pitch black eyes.

Shit. The word mate echoed through my head when his eyes caught mine.

“Fuck” I said without stopping myself. He was gorgeous, and Im not just saying that because im getting high off his scent right now. Take like the sexiest man you know, and then multiply that by the biggest number you could think of and BAM there's half of what is standing in front of me.

He was huge, like he would give the undertaker a run for his money. His black hair was short and in his eyes curling at the ends. He had a strong jawline chiseled to perfection and high cheekbones, making him look even more intimidating. I couldn’t get over the fact that he was so fucking huge. He was twice the size of Logan and Logan is pretty god damn big.

His perfect lips curved into a smirk when that word left my mouth, im not one to be intimidated, most of the time I just laugh and give them a finger and a smart ass answer, I don’t think ive ever been intimidated by an alpha in my life. Well this is something new. Now that I am intimidated, im just going to pretend like im not, im not that weak.

I kept my posture straight and my head held high, no fucking way was I submitting to my mate. I don’t give respect, its earned. He looked me over, im sure I looked great in my black tights that had slits every centimeter on the sides from my hips down, exposing my tanned skin. And my loose grey tank top that says ‘tell me baby have you ever fucked in the car’ on it. Im sure I looked the holy fucking grail. Not that I give a shit, because im just going to reject him anyways, I don’t do relationships.

This idiot was still smirking at me “What the fuck do you want?” I asked.

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