Chapter Twenty Six-Unedited

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I put on one of Jase's old high school t-shirts and some panties and a bra and braided my hair while Jase made a phone call.

I went to the kitchen having the sudden munchies for cookies and hot sauce. I dug through the cabinets finding some Oreos, and then I looked for hot sauce.

Jase came in "What are you looking for?" he asked me.

"Hot sauce" I replied.

He looked at the Oreos on the counter and then back at me for a minute.

"For what?" he asked, I shrugged.

"I want cookies and hot sauce, sue me" I said turning back around to continue digging. I came up empty and turned back around, Jase's lips were pursed and he was looking at me.

"What?" I asked. He took the Oreos off the island and sat them on the counter, then picked me up and set me on the island.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Lay down" he commanded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Just do it" he told me. I slowly laid back most of my soreness was gone. I looked up at Jase cautiously. What is he doing? He lifted my shirt up to right under my boobs and laid his head on my stomach.

"What the hell?" I asked him.

"Shhh" he shushed me. I stayed quiet studying his perfect face, he kept his head on my stomach for about 3 minutes before he pulled my shirt back down and set me on the tile floor.

"What was that about?" I asked him.

"Just seeing something" he replied.

"like what?" I asked opening the oreo package.

"I was seeing if there was a heartbeat" he replied.

"Like in my stomach?" I asked, he nodded.

"Why, I'm not pregnant I would tell you" I said pouring some milk in a glass.

"I was just checking" he said like I was accusing him of something.

"so was there?" I asked. He stayed silent, I got really worried. I looked up at him searching his face It was unreadable. I'm not pregnant. I'm not saying it isn't possible, because Jase and I both know I could be. But I'm sure I would know, and if I didn't, my scent would change 5 days into it and Jase would smell it.

"Not that I can hear" he replied looking at me intently.

"but I won't know until your 5 days along" he told me, I could tell he was watching my reaction carefully.

I kept my eyes down at my milk and kept my face neutral. I went to the pantry and got the chocolate and a spoon from the drawer.

"did you want there to be one?" he asked me.

"No" I replied pouring chocolate in the glasss, not meeting his eyes, I kept my eyes down at my glass.

"Are you sure?" he asked me.

"Yes" I answered.

"I have a conference I have to go to tomorrow" he told me.

"and?" I asked knowing there was more.

"And I'm going to be gone for 3 days" he answered, I froze and looked up at him. 3 days with out Jase. I can barely go 3 hours without Jase. The thought was horrifying. I'm not clingy I don't hang off Jase's arm all the time, Jase goes to work. And I don't complain one bit when he comes and checks in on me every few hours.

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