Chapter Thirty four

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Jase’s POV.

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t sleep.

There was a weight on my chest constricting me. My throat was tight and I was filled with dread.

I hadn’t seen Kayden in an hour, I just about killed Aaron and Micah who brought her to the doctor.

Micah was knocked out somewhere and Aaron was sitting across from me his hands in his head. I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t feel any pain from our link which Kayden had cut. I knew she cut it because she didn't want me to feel her pain.

But I wanted to feel it so bad. I wanted to feel anything from her. Just a small hint that she was alive even would help.

After yelling and decking the doctor I realized I wasn’t helping him do his job and stopped. Just about our whole pack was doing absolutely nothing but worrying.

I couldn’t even think straight without my thoughts scrambling and leaving me blank. It was dark outside so I knew it had been more than few hours.

What if I lost Kayden? I couldn’t even bare to think what would happen to me. I completely pushed that thought from my mind. A sharp pain would go through me when I thought about my existence without Kayden.

I’m so stupid. I shouldn’t have left her.

I should’ve stayed. Jordan was just about in tears because he was the one who talked me into leaving her for just about an hour to get some work done. I wasn’t mad at him- he didn't know.

But I knew inside he was blaming himself, and if something happened.

If something happened…

The doctor came out and I stood up along with Aaron, Jordan and my parents an then other part of the pack that could fit in the waiting room. My pack absolutely adored Kayden so everyone else was in another waiting room.

My heart stopped when I saw the look on his face.

Don’t jump to conclusions Jase.

He beckoned me through an opened door.

Don’t’ jump to conclusions.

I took a deep breath and walked through and turned around the minute the soundproof door closed.

“is she okay?” I asked my voice cracking and sounding weak.

But without Kayden that’s all I was. Weak. She was my rock, she was what kept me going and without her I would crash.

“She’s… stable” he said finally deciding on that word. Stable. She’s alive but for how long?

“What does that mean?” I asked him.

He sighed “We’re in a very tight situation” he said and paused. I wanted him to tell me what was going on, I wanted to grab him by the neck and slam him into the wall and demand what was going on. I tried to take a deep breath but my chest was too tight, leaving me feeling like I was under water and couldn’t breathe.

I wanted Kayden. I wanted her so bad, by my side rubbing soft circles on my back assuring me that everything was going to be okay. But she wasn’t here. I blinked back tears staring at him as he paused for a second but it felt like a decade.

“She’s in a deep sleep, we can’t remove the babies with the possibility of her loosing too much blood and we can't give her the medication to wake her up without harming the babies” he told me.

“Harming them how? What does that mean?” I asked.

“It would kill them” he said quietly.

“So what you’re asking me to choose between my mate and my kids?” I asked him, he stared at me for a long moment.

“I need your answer by midnight before we lose all three of them” he told me, he turned on his heels and left.

How could I choose between my mate and my kids?

I knew who I would choose.


But I knew if our babies died because I chose her she would hate me for it.

I didn't want to raise our kids without her. Without their mother.

If I didn't choose her, I knew I would die too. But our kids wouldn’t have parents.

And I would be with her.

We could always have more kids.

But it wouldn’t be those kids Jay, I could hear her voice saying in my head. I leaned against the wall and sat down and I cried.

I bawled like a little child.

I didn't know who to choose.


So this is the last chapter

i know you guys are all beating me with a shovel in your heads right now.

I'm really sorry.

I'm not sure if i want to do an epilouge or not to tell you who he chose- so for now it's up to you guys. I might do a sequel, not sure that jsut a possibily on one of their kids, if he picked her or one of the twins. 

it's up to you- i know you guys like want to strangle me with a phone cord.

 Tell me what you think- even if it's bad. You can message me or comment or vote or follow or whatever mkaes you happy inside.

You don't have to read the next part. 

but if you did kudos to you lmao. 

I have other stories im writing with chicks who are fuckin badass like Kayden so, check them out!!

or if you want me to write a specific story i will try. Lmao I'm a bad writer so...

Love you alot.

Please don't hate me. 


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