Chapter Twelve-Unedited

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Three huge guys showed up, Jase got up and introduced.

“Kayden, this is Jordan, Derek and Liam” he told me. I'm going to be straight up, Derek and Liam looked like total dicks, I could tell by their cocky smirks and the way their eyes raked my body when Jase left. I could also tell that Jordan hated both of them with a passion just by the way he looked at them and his body posture.

Derek and Liam had the same hair style which was in their eyes and Jordan’s dark hair was short but still stuck up, what got me were his eyes they were deep blue. He was like the smaller, not as hot version of Jase.

Derek and Liam went to the living room “why do you hate them?” I asked Jordan.

He smiled “its that obvious?” he asked, I grinned and nodded.

“They are the assholes of the high school” he said sounding disgusted.

“Enough said”  

“do you play Call of Duty?” I asked, he grinned.

“Ghosts or zombies?” he asked.

“Zombies” I answered. He sat down and took Jase’s controller.

“So why did he pick you guys to “guard” me?” I asked.

“we’re all training for the beta position” he told me.

“And who’s winning?” I asked.

“Derek” he answered.

“well if I have a say in it, they will be ripped of their ranks by tomorrow, because both of them don’t have what it takes to be a beta” I told him listening to their conversations about girls.

He smiled “I'm glad someone sees it” he told me. ‘

“How do you know what it takes to be a beta?” he asked after a little while.

“I used to be one” I told him.

“No way you were a beta?” I heard someone say by the door.

“for 3 years” I answered.

“So your like 22?” Liam asked. Seriously I do not look that old.

“Do I really look that old?” I asked Jordan, he smiled and nodded his head.

“the beta position is given to you when your 19 here” he told me.

“at my old pack the beta position was given when you earned it” I told him.

“How old were you when you earned it?” Jordan asked.

“15” I answered. And then we listened to Derek and Liam going on about how impossible that was and blah blah blah.

“How old are you?” I asked Jordan

“19” he answered.

“well I think you qualify for the beta position” I said getting up and going to find my phone that Jase hid, he thinks just because he puts it on top of the refrigerator I can't reach it.

“Hey Jordan come here” and not 10 seconds later Jordan was coming through the kitchen door trailed by Liam and Derek who didn’t look happy about me not calling one of them. 

“yes Luna?” he asked.

“Don’t call me Luna, and get my phone from on top of the fridge” I told him, he didn’t even reach up he just extended his arm and got it and handed it to me.

“Calling Jase?” he asked.

“Yeah, I want new guards” I told him, walking past Derek and Liam. Dicks. Assholes. Whatever you want to call them, it all means the same. Jase made me memorize his number in case of an emergency. Like he said it about 50 times and made me repeat it back to him, even though I got it the first time.

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