Chapter Ten-Unedited

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I dreamed about running through the woods, I loved running. I loved dodging the trees, and the brown and green blur around me, and I love the woodsy scent most of all, kinda reminds me of Jase’s scent. Annnnnnddddd I had to bring Jase into it. What the fuck? I think I've had plenty of Jase to last me forever, I don’t want to dream about him too.

I groaned and rolled over, it felt so nice to be in the cold sheets. I was burning up, damn I was like really hot, I kicked the covers off and attempted to go back to sleep. I had over heated, I probably slept next to Jase and all the body heat he gave off made me over heat, especially with this hoodie on. I opened my eyes and sat up, I went to take my hoodie off but a loud growl stopped me.

I looked and Jase was across the room by the bathroom door, his back pressed against the wall. His eyes were pitchblack, and his fists were clenched. Well shit did he magically get sexier? I wish I could do that, just wake up and automatically be sexier. Can I say he got his beauty sleep? Ha…ha…ha No?

“Don’t take that fucking hoodie off Kayden” Jase growled at me. He sounded strained, like he was trying not to kill someone.

“Excuse the fuck out of you, I can take my fucking hoodie off if I want to” I retorted, still half asleep, I'm going back to sleep one way or another, why is he talking to me, I just want to sleep.

“Not if you want to stay unmated you’re not” he said. What? I'm lost.

“What? Jase what are you-“

“Your in heat” he told me, great I was in heat. That’s just fantastic.

“Fantastic” I muttered. I laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. I couldn’t get comfortable , I was hot, but I wasn’t sweating, if that makes any sense. My skin was burning up, I felt like I was on fire on the inside and out, it wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable. I tossed and turned and I still couldn’t get mother fucking comfortable.

I growled and sat up and threw my pillow at the wall in frustration.

“I quit” I yelled “I can't fucking sleep” I told Jase who was still pressed again the wall looking like he was having an internal battle. He could cool me down, translation fuck me. Maybe if he was just close.

“Jase do you think you could come over here and sleep with me?” I asked.

“I don’t think I need to be that close to you sweet heart” he told me sounding like he was in pain.

“I do, because I'm hot and you need to come cool me down so I can fucking sleep” I told him, he took his eyes off the floor for the first time and caught my eyes.

“I don’t mean fuck me, I mean come and be close” I corrected before he got the wrong idea. He rolled his shoulders out, very sexily I might add. He came and got in bed stiffly, like a robot. I swung my leg over and sat up on top of him so I was straddling him, his eyes were black and I would be scared if I didn’t know it was because of me.

“Kayden” Jase said warningly eyeing me, his jaw was clenched.

“your pushing it” he told me through clenched teeth.

“am i?” I asked. I laid down on top of him, my head on his chest. I sighed, the heat calmed down a little bit. I traced patterns on his chest with my finger, Jase stayed tremendously stiff the whole time. All of his muscles were tense, so it was like laying on a stone floor.

“Kayden” he said after a while, I shivered, damn I loved it when he said my name.

“hmm” I asked, I was back in my half asleep state.

“I don’t think I can take much more” he told me huskily.

“Wait until I go to sleep and then you can move, just please let me sleep” I begged, I heard him sigh, I closed my eyes again crossing my fingers for sleep, but guess what? I couldn’t sleep. Why can't I sleep?

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