Chapter 1

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You're a piece of shit! You're a waste of space! You ungrateful child!

Honestly, I've heard all of them before. None­­­­­­­ of them were new. I kind of wished my dad would pick more creative insults next time. Well, I guess I couldn't really blame him since this was probably the fifth time this month that he was scolding me. So here I am, looking bored while my father continuously points his finger at me while despising my existence. Now, was that really my fault? I mean maybe if he was a little more careful nineteen years ago then maybe it could've saved him from his constant headache—namely, me.

"­­­­­­Are you even listening? Are you even fucking hearing me?"

"Yes, yes, I'm a good for nothing child," I said. "Continue please."

I could practically hear my father grinding his teeth as he raises his fist in the air. Yeah, he'd do that to his own son. And yeah, it would probably hurt like last time—like all the other times. So I just closed my eyes and prepared myself for the inevitable. But when I didn't feel anything after a few seconds, I opened my eyes and saw my mothe­­­­­r grabbing my father's arm.

"Please, dear. No more," she calmly said as she slowly pulled down my father's fist. He sighs and sits on the couch across from me. I could tell he's a little bit calmed down now but I could still see the anger in his eyes when they met mine.

"I am sick and tired of all your bullshit, Y/N," he said. "Do you know how humiliating it is to see complaints about your own son filed at the police station? Even if I'm the chief of police, I have my limitations, Y/N! I can't keep covering your ass!"

"Then don't." I couldn't stop the words before they left my mouth. It only came out as a whisper but looking at the surprised faces of my parents, I knew they heard me loud and clear. I looked down at the floor as the tension suffocated me. I only looked up again when I heard a slight shuffling in front of me—just in time to see my father standing up.

The surprise on his face was gone now. Now—there was determination.

"Fine. You know what? Fucking fine. You want to beat people on the street, huh? You want to intimidate people? I'm going to let you do just that. But you'll do it without breaking the law. You'll do it on my terms."

"Wh—what?" I stuttered. What the hell was he saying? Sure, I beat up people and stole from them but I didn't enjoy it. I was only doing it to piss of my father. And he wants me to do it—legally?

He starts to walk to the staircase leaving my mother and I in the living room. I quickly stood up and tried to catch up with him.

"Hey, wait! What the hell are you talking about, dad?"

He looks me straight in the eyes with an emotionless expression that I've never seen on his face before. I could feel shivers down my spine and attempted to put on a brave front. But that all crumbled with his next words.

"Pack your bags, Y/N. You're going to L.A."


I was lost. Metaphorically and literally.

First, because I still couldn't believe my parents—my own freaking parents—would send me to L.A. to get rid of me. I mean, yeah I've done some bad things in my life but leaving me on a mysterious city without a day's notice? Come on.

And second, where the fuck do I need to go? I have never been on an airport before and have never ridden an airplane until now. Fortunately, my parents still cared enough about me to see me off but they weren't here now. I've been looking around the whole airport for ten minutes now and the only thing I know was its name—LAX.

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