Chapter 12

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It was a few days before the Teen Choice Awards and Stephen wanted everyone to relax for a while so he rented a small private theatre so we can watch some movies together. The five girls were here, Uncle Rob, the managers, and even the stylists. All of us were so busy for the past few days that it was a welcome change of pace.

The girls were walking ahead of me and they were laughing with each other and having fun. It's been a few days since Camila and I went on a date. We haven't gone in another one since because she's been busy. I guess that's good for me too since I need to deal with the fact that there was no way I was going to fall out of love with Lauren. So what was I going to do with my relationship with Camila?

Also, it doesn't help that Lauren talks to me a lot more often now than before. And I was enjoying her company. I was slowly getting more and more comfortable around her. But then my eyes would land on Camila and the look of worry on her face. And it just made me feel really bad. I'm pretty sure I just discovered a new kind of cheating.

We finally arrived at the theater and a well-dressed man greets us. He escorted us inside and to the movie room. As I walked toward the door, the phone in my pocket vibrated. I pulled it out and saw that my mom was calling me. I ran up to Uncle Rob and told him about it. He just nodded at me as he entered the room. I sat down at a table and answered the call.

"Hey, mom. Is something wrong?"

"Oh, Y/N!" she exclaimed excitedly. Did she think I wasn't going to answer? "How are you, honey?"

"Uh, I'm fine. But why are you calling?" I asked.

"Can't I just call you because I miss you?"

My mom was the sweetest girl I've ever met. I may be biased about that but for me, it's the truth. But she's also soft-spoken and gentle which means she often gets pressured by people more forceful than her. In this instance, that only meant one thing.

"What does dad want?"

She must have detected the iciness in my voice because she lets out a small yelp before her end becomes completely silent. After a while, I heard a slight shuffling then it's replaced by her voice again.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Your father asked me to check up on you," she said in hushed tones.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Check up on me? I'm not a kid, mom. What did he tell you?"

"He—he said to make sure—you were doing your job."

I squeezed my eyes harder. At any other time, I would've gotten angry and shouted at my mom. But I knew that wouldn't do anything. I've already done it countless of times and my father still thinks I'm shit. The question popped into my mind again. Even if I already knew the answer, I still wanted to hear it again.

"Mom, why does dad hate me?"

I could hear the hitch in her breath at the question. There was a time when we were a happy family. My dad was proud of me and I was at the top of my class. But that all changed at some point.

"Your dad," she quietly said, "loves you, YN. But he told you—that dating that girl wouldn't be good. That was the first time you disobeyed him. So when she broke your heart, he was angry at you. But honey, he was really angry at himself for not taking care of you, remember that. He's just a hard man and not used to showing his feelings. But he loves you, Y/N. We both do."

I opened my eyes and blinked back the tears stinging at the corner of my eyes. "Well, he does a shitty job showing it." I knew my mom was going to say something more but I really couldn't take anymore right now. "Goodbye, mom."

I ended the call and turned off my phone. I buried my face in my hands as unwanted memories came flooding back into my mind. My mom was right. My dad warned me that dating a girl like her would only lead to heartbreak. But did I listen? No. I fought for her because I loved her. And then I got my heart broken and he put all the blame on me. I guess that's why I became guarded and distant. That's why I did my best to annoy him.

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