Chapter 25

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A/N: Third part of this chapter is NSFW just fyi :)

Ever since that day, I've been avoiding Lauren.

It just didn't feel right being with her when there were still fragments of Ariana left inside my heart. I felt like I was cheating on her by simply thinking about my ex. And she noticed it too. At first, whenever she moved closer to me, I would always move back and say I had something I needed to do. When I saw her walking towards me, I would walk away—pretending to go to the bathroom or anywhere at all. Just not close to her.

Soon enough, she stopped approaching me entirely and we just contented ourselves with looking at each other. But even then, the guilt always made me look away from her. However, not before I saw the longing and hurt in her eyes. I wanted so badly to have her in my arms again but I kept pulling back.

Now, I was the one pushing her away.

The thoughts of telling Lauren the truth plagued my mind but I was always too scared. What if she got angry at me? What if she hated me and broke up with me? I don't think I could take that. Lauren helped me put myself back together when Ariana broke me. But who'll help put me back together if Lauren let me go?

I made the turn towards the pool room. Maybe a few minutes in the water would clear my head.

There weren't a lot of people in the pool. In fact, I could only see a man soaking his feet on the edge of the pool and an elderly couple seated on a lounge chair. I dropped my towel and shirt on the chair next to them and dove in the water.

The water rushed on my skin as I swam to the other end of the pool. Here in the water, I didn't have to think. There was no Lauren or Ariana on my mind, only the thought of moving my body to traverse through the water. My breath and brain work in tandem to keep my body at bay—one, two, one, two, one two—and soon enough I could feel my muscles ache instead of my heart. I don't know how long I've been swimming but the important thing was that my thoughts were finally under control.

I brought my head up and above the water and wiped the droplets off my face as I rested my aching limbs. As soon as I do, I saw the old man helping his wife down the pool steps. I quickly swam towards them and extended my hand towards the woman.

"Here, ma'am. Let me help."

"Thank you, son," she said as she grabbed my hand. I helped her down the steps and walked with her until the water was up to her chest. "I'll be fine here. Thank you."

I gave her a nod before I swam back to the steps and hauled myself out of the water. I sat on the lounge chair and wiped myself off with my towel. In front of me was the old man looking at his wife with a gentle smile on his face. I felt my own lips smiling as I took in the sight. He was looking so lovingly at his wife and it touched my heart.

"How long have you been married?" I asked and he looked at me. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Forty five years. Can you believe that?" he saidys with a smile. "Forty five years with the love of my life."

Forty five years and this man still looked at his wife like she put the stars in the sky. I've always wondered if marriages like theirs still existed. It seemed like marrying and divorcing was the norm these days. People marrying for money, for fame—only a handful really marry for love.

"Forty five years of happy memories too," I supplied.

"Yes. But the years before that were both hell for us, especially me," he said with a laugh.


"My wife and I never did see eye to eye when we were still dating. We'd squabble over every little thing and sometimes we'd end up not talking to each other for days. We were probably the worst couple you've ever met." He looked at his wife and I swore I could see a hint of loneliness in his eyes.

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