Chapter 21

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A/N: Wanted to let u guys know I update two chaps at once when there's not much going on in the first update. This one's short so I'm gonna update 22 with it :)

As usual, the Miami sun shone down on me relentlessly.

I yawned in my hand as I continued walking down the sidewalk. I've been cooped up for five hours straight in my room studying for my exam when my mom told me to go outside and relax.

I can't relax, mom. Your son's trying to be a doctor, you know.

I smiled at the memory. Of course, I couldn't tell her that. I loved my mom too much and I knew she was only looking out for me. So I got out of the house and headed towards the police station where my dad worked.

I've always idolized my dad because his profession didn't take priority in his life. He still came home with a smile on his face. Even if his work stressed him out, he never brought it back home. He always set his priorities straight. The moment he saw me at the station, a smile lit up his face as he met me and hugged me. And like all other times, he introduced me to the other officers and didn't forget to mention that I wanted to be a doctor one day.

It always made me happy how proud he was of me.

I only stayed for a few minutes in the station and now I was walking down the street with no idea where to go. Maybe I could drop by the beach? But there are probably a lot of people there and I wasn't in the mood anyway. Maybe I could eat something? Yeah, there's always time to eat something. But where should I go?

As I thought about my options, I didn't notice someone running towards me until we bumped into each other.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed. I grabbed the arms of the person in the hoodie before they fell to the ground. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

She tilted her head up to meet mine and I swear my mind went blank at that moment. Her eyes were a beautiful brown and looked so bright and gentle. I've seen a lot of brown eyes but hers was different. There was a light there—a twinkle that took my breath away. But it wasn't just her eyes. Her whole face was beautiful. Her lips looked so soft and I couldn't help but lick mine as I looked at them. The moment my mind restarted itself, the only thing I could think about was how they would feel against mine.

"Hi," she saidwith a smile.

Oh god, her smile. Her face lit up and I couldn't open my mouth to respond. I was too distracted by those damn dimples of hers. No one should be this cute and this beautiful at the same time. It was like God hand sculpted her Himself.

"Thanks for catching me but you can let go now."

Her words snapped me out of my trance and I realized I was still holding her close to me. I quickly let go of her and apologized.

"I—I'm so sorry—I wasn't looking and—"

"Hey, it's fine. I don't mind," she was still smiling at me but this time she pulled her hood down so I could see her whole face. She had long, brown hair in a high ponytail on her head. Now that she wasn't close to me anymore, I realized that she was smaller than me. Like a lot smaller. I looked at her and saw her staring at me with a gentle smile on her face. It was getting awkward so I spoke up.

"Um—are you in a hurry?" I asked.

She blinked a few times then cleared her throat. "Huh? What?"

"You were running so, are you in a hurry to go somewhere?"

I saw realization appear on her face. "Oh yeah—no. I mean, I'm not in a hurry I just—"

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