Chapter 37

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Lauren stayed with me until my mom finally arrived.

We didn't say anything else before that. She just sat beside me and rubbed my back quietly. Her mere presence made me feel calm and wanted. And for a few minutes, all the worries and doubts left my mind. She was here and that was all that mattered.

I looked through the window and saw my mom seated beside my dad, holding his hand. She quickly hugged me before she went inside. Tears fell from her face as she saw my dad but I knew it was going to be okay. Even after what my mom said that day when Luis attacked me, I knew she still loved my father. And the fact that he later apologized to her showed that he still cared. That was enough for me.

"Y/N." I turned to my side and saw the most beautiful girl in the world looking at me hesitantly. I guess she didn't know how to approach me or start a conversation and I didn't blame her. Things were awkward between us right now but I didn't want to leave her side yet.

I let a smile cross my face as I faced her. "Hey."

She let out a gentle smile and grabbed my arm. "Why don't we get some food?"

"Yeah," I said with a nod. "Let's go to the cafeteria."

"Actually, I was thinking somewhere outside the hospital," she said.

"But I—"

She rested her hand on the side of my face and I instantly relaxed into it. Her movement seemed so smooth and natural—like we've done this a million times before. But as soon as my lips brushed against her palm, I saw the realization on her face and she quickly withdrew her hand. She turned around and looked away from me. Did her actions mean she still felt something for me? But the moment she looked back at me, her smile was back and there was no sign of any emotion at our contact at all.

"Don't stay cooped up here, Y/N. Come on," she said as she reached out her hand to me. I looked at it then back at her. She seemed confused at first but soon enough realized her action and dropped her hand. "Are you coming?" she asked. I nodded and followed her out of the hospital.

I took a deep breath as the Miami sun touched my skin. I've been inside the hospital for three days with only fluorescent lights as my source of heat. The warm breeze caressed my face as we walked side by side on the street. I felt Lauren relax bit by bit as we talked about the little things—the shallow things that didn't have anything to do with us. Soon enough, I felt myself smiling too because I saw the light in her eyes and the happiness on her face as she laughed. I thought I'd never get to see them. I thought they were gone. But she let me take a peek through the walls surrounding her. The only question was, would she give me the chance to break it down again?

Lauren guided me inside a small café a few blocks away from the hospital. A lovely melody surrounded the interior and I could smell the distinct scent of coffee in the air. We both ordered food and coffee on the counter before moving to a table on the far end. I turned to the glass window and watched people walking by. They looked so carefree, like nothing in the world could bother them. I wonder if I'll ever be like that again.

I turned my head and saw Lauren looking at me worriedly so I offered her a casual smile and tried to start up a conversation.

"I never asked why you're here. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it but—" I couldn't finish the sentence because I didn't want it to get awkward between us. After what happened before I left, I was sure I wouldn't get to talk to Lauren anytime soon. But here she was.

"You suddenly disappeared so Camila asked Big Rob where you were. He told us your father was in the hospital. We all wanted to come but Janelle wouldn't let us. She'd only let one of us go."

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