Chapter 10

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"Y/N! Come on, you're so slow!"

"Babe, come on, wait up!"

I chased her as she continued running towards the beach. Her figure looked stunning under the moonlight. She shed her clothes while she was running and her body took my breath away. Then she looked back at me and smiled and my heart swelled with love for this girl.

"You're so slow, baby!" she shouted. "I'm going ahead!"

She sprinted towards the ocean as I struggled to get rid of my clothes. She had this insane idea to go skinny dipping at our alcove. I looked at her like she was crazy because it was a fucking cold November night and only people who have a death wish would think of going to the beach.

But damn it, she knew my weakness.

She crawled on my lap and kissed the back of my neck then licked her way to my chin. I shuddered as she bit my earlobe and knew I was done for. I grunted an 'okay' and now we were at the beach. I was fucking freezing but I couldn't care less because the girl I loved was with me.

I made my way to her as she continuously splashed me with water. I dove underwater and came up behind her. I quickly encircled her waist in my arms before she could complain. She was laughing now and God knows how much I loved that laugh. I buried my face on the side of her neck and planted small kisses on her skin. Her head lolled to the side, giving me unlimited access to her body.

She was the most beautiful girl in the world. I don't even know how I could possibly call her my own. But she was. She was everything to me. She wasn't even from Miami and if it wasn't for our chance meeting, I never would've met her. I fell in love straight away with her smile and the way the dimples on her cheeks deepened the wider it got.

But what killed me were her eyes. They were hazel brown and always looked at me with adoration. She made me feel good about myself and I loved her for that. I was very lucky to have her and I would do anything for this moment to last forever.

I didn't notice her pull out of my hold. She cupped my face with both of her hands until I'm face to face with her again.

"What happened, Y/N? Where'd you go?"

I smiled at her words. "Nothing. I was just thinking."

A look of confusion crossed her face before she slid her arms around my neck. "About what?"

"How lucky I am to have you."

She didn't say anything for a while as she just stared at me. But after a few moments, a sweet smile appeared on her face as she pushed her lips to mine. I felt myself melting from the love and care that she put into that kiss. This girl was my one and only, I believed that.

Her lips pulled back from mine as we both tried to catch our breaths. She looked into my eyes and I saw our future. We were each other's forever and nothing's going to change that-

"I love you, Y/N. I will always be your girl."

-at least, that's what I thought.


"I love you, Y/N. Please let me be your girl."

It's weird how those memories surfaced at Camila's words. I've buried them deep inside of me since the day I met the girls and now, they were coming back and ready to haunt me again. But looking into Camila's eyes made me feel like she wouldn't judge me-that she was ready to understand every aspect of my past and help me move on.

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