Chapter 45

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A/N: Five more chapters 🙌🏻

Your POV

I winced at the throb of pain that coursed through my head.

It felt like a million needles were pricking my brain, trying to pick it apart. But as fast as it appeared, it was gone with the same suddenness. I've been having them since that awful night when I felt like a jackhammer was probing my brain. All I remembered was the agonizing pain I experienced. What I'm feeling right now was probably the aftershocks of that.

However, I haven't told anyone about it. I was scared to know what it meant. Was I dying? Was I going insane? I really don't want to find out. They come and go as they please so they'd probably just disappear altogether, right? God, I hope so.

I turned my head when I heard the door open. My parents were smiling the moment they entered my room. There was someone missing though. I looked out the window, hoping to see her, but it was in vain. I had to admit, I felt a little disappointed that Lauren hadn't talked to me in the last few days. What happened wasn't her fault. We both got caught up in the moment and did something we shouldn't have. That was her boyfriend's song for fuck's sake and I decided to kiss her. I don't even know what came over me. My body just moved on its own and I've been trying to make sense of it ever since. But I always come up blank when it came to that girl.

She's been with me since the beginning and I hate to lose such a good friend as her. Even though I still can't remember a thing about her, she's been nothing but supportive of me and I wanted to at least get to know her.

"Are you feeling good, Y/N?" asked my dad.

I gave him a small smile and nodded. "I'm good. I mean, I've been better. But I'm still good."

He gave me a pat on the back before moving to the window and parting the curtains to let the sunlight in. It's still weird how much my father was taking care of me. He was a hardened police officer and he hated it when I did anything other than what he said. But now, he was always smiling at me. I can't help but think that something happened in the last two years that made him like this.

I noticed something moving at the corner of my eyes so I turned to the window and saw a tall man standing outside the hall. He was looking down and probably talking to someone but the person was out of my sight. My parents looked in the same direction and they exchanged a look between them.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, everything's fine, sweetie," said my mom. "But somebody wants to meet you."

"Another friend?"

"No... not exactly," said my dad. But before I could ask him what he meant, the door opened and I swear I lost all my breath the moment she smiled at me.

Her eyes were bright as she walked toward me. She looked so different but so familiar at the same time. All the memories of us together came flooding back into my mind. And once again, I was captivated by the fact that I loved her and she loved me back.

I was the luckiest guy in the world.

"Hey," she said and I could hear the hesitation in her voice. I was confused about it at first but I realized she must've heard I lost my memories. She probably thinks I forgot all about her.

"Hey, beautiful," I said and am instantly rewarded by a lip-biting smile from her.

She moved closer to the side of the bed and we just stared at each other for a while. "You remember me?"

"How could I forget the girl I love?"

I was expecting another smile or a giggle even but not the surprise on her face. She looked to my parents who just smiled at her. It felt like they were conversing with their eyes. Why would Ariana be surprised that I love her? She was my girlfriend, wasn't she?

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