Chapter 15

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It was time to get Lauren Jauregui.

Yeah, well, that's what I said a few days ago. Point of the matter is, that's easier said than done. Especially if the girl you want to talk to has been avoiding you like the plague ever since.

When I left Camila, I immediately went up to Lauren's room and knocked. She didn't answer. I knocked a few more times but still the door remained shut. Okay, so maybe she was exhausted from her day with Camila, that was understandable. So I decided to just go back to my room and wait for another chance the next morning.

Then next morning came and Lauren and I left our rooms at the same time. I immediately called out to her and what does she do? She fucking went back inside her room and shut the door. If it wasn't for my Uncle calling for me, I would've camped on the hallway until she went outside. And when she finally joined us in the bus, she's either talking to someone inside or on the phone. It's like she's making sure she's always busy. She even went out of her way not to get close to me. I don't get it.

What did I do to make her act like this?

I sighed and slouched on my seat. It was dark outside and we were on our way to the next venue but I couldn't sleep. I could only see streaks of light outside the small window of the bus. Everyone else was sleeping but here I was in the back, wasting precious hours of the night. A part of me wanted to rip open the curtains of Lauren's bunk and confess my feelings right now but I knew that was a bad idea. I mean, she could punch me in the face for all I knew. I leaned my head back and sighed. How can I get Lauren alone?

"Can't sleep?"

I raised my head up and saw Ally looking at me with a sleepy expression.

"Hey, Ally. What are you doing up?" I asked.

She yawned before dropping herself to the seat beside me. "Just wanted water. What about you?"


"Bout what?"

"A lot of things."

She just nodded her head at me. She looked like a sleepy little girl looking for her mommy. I don't even know if she's fully conscious right now or sleep walking.

"Hey, Ally."


"Have you talked to Lauren?" I asked.

"Bout what?" said Ally in a sleepy voice.

"My choice."

Ally rubbed her eyes at my words. As she looked at me, I could see that her eyes were a bit more focused than before. She shook her head before saying anything. "No. But I've talked to Camila. She's okay now."

I nodded at her words. "It's just that, Lauren's been avoiding me. I don't know if you've noticed."

"She has?" Ally straightened up on her seat looking more alert now.

"Yeah. She's been avoiding everything that has to do with me. I don't get it. I can't even tell her my feelings now. Why can't things just go my way for a change?"

"Do you want me to talk to her, Y/N?"

I shook my head and sighed. "No, this is my problem. Let me fix it. I'm pretty sure it was indirectly my fault anyway."

Silence filled the space between us after my words. I wasn't looking at her but I can feel Ally's gaze on me. It was like she was looking for something, an emotion or a movement from me.

"Hey, Y/N." I looked at her and saw she had a serious expression on her face. "Do you regret picking Lauren because she's avoiding you?"

"No!" I exclaimed quickly.

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