Chapter 3

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It'll be fine. Just follow them around. But don't let them see you. It's easy.

Easy my ass, Stephen.

I looked up from the clothes rack I was hiding behind and spot my targets in the shoe section. I was in some kind of clothing store with the girls. Actually, it wasn't "with" the girls. It was more like "stalking" the girls. Stephen had this grand idea that I should follow the girls while they shopped at the mall so I could protect them if they got mobbed. He said my Uncle couldn't do it since he would attract too much attention. So here I am inside a clothing store sporting dark aviator sunglasses and a gray hoodie repeatedly wishing they would just buy something already. They've been here for a whole fifteen minutes and they don't even look exhausted.

I was fucking bored.

I heard a little shriek and am pulled out of my thoughts. I quickly focused on the girls and was two seconds away from running to them when I saw them forming a circle around Lauren. She was smiling while holding a black high-heeled shoe in her hands. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was such a dork. I can't imagine a sassy girl like her turned into a little girl at the sight of shoes. For the first time since I met her, there was pure happiness on her face, no other emotion. Why was I only seeing that now?

Then suddenly the events that happened a week ago resurfaced on my mind. There was pure anger on her face and I hated the fact that I was the cause of it. I've made small talk with the other girls except for Lauren. When I looked at her, she was either not acknowledging my existence or glaring at me like I was the spawn of Satan. I knew I had to apologize to her. Maybe I shouldn't have manhandled her like that. Maybe I overreacted.

I definitely overreacted.

"May I help you, sir?"

I jumped at the sound of the voice and looked beside me. A petite blonde was standing there with an expectant look in her eyes. But from the fake smile she was beaming at me, the shop owner must've finally sent someone my way to make sure I wasn't a shop lifter. I looked at the clothes rack in front of me and realized I was standing in front of a number of dresses.

"Gift for your girlfriend?" she asked while still beaming at me.

"No-I mean yes," I stuttered and offered her a casual smile. "Anniversary."

"That's great! Happy anniversary. Maybe I could help you pick out something for her?"

"No I-I'd rather do it myself-if you don't mind."

The blonde mechanically nods her head. "Of course. I'll leave you to it then."

She finally turned on her heels and walked away. When I'm sure she can't hear me anymore, I sighed. Jesus, I must look like a damned gangster to these people. I looked back up to the direction of the girls. My heart dropped when I couldn't see them anymore. I walked to the shoe section and when I didn't find them there, looked around the whole store. But they weren't anywhere to be found. I exited the store and looked around the mall. I could feel the panic rise up in my chest. If my Uncle finds out I lost them, he'll freak out.

I circled the whole second floor and peered through every boutique but they weren't anywhere to be found. I ran up to the third floor and did the same but still no luck. I was sweating and out of breath by the time I was on the first floor. If they still weren't here, I had no other choice but go back to the hotel and admit defeat. But if they got mobbed while I was supposed to be watching them, like it or not, Uncle Rob and I would both be out of a job.

I removed my sunglasses and wiped the sweat around my eyes as I walked towards the bathroom. I dropped my arm from my face but before I could put my aviators back on my face, I saw a pair of chocolate brown eyes land on me as she went out of the female bathroom.

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