Chapter 20

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It was finally time for the VMA's and to say that the girls were excited was an understatement.

They were downright ecstatic.

The moment we landed back in LA, we went straight to the hotel so the girls can be reunited with each other. The managers sat us all down for a meeting about the time we needed to be there and their other schedules. Stephen, Uncle Rob, and I would still stay backstage while the girls were at the audience seats. Honestly, I didn't care if they had me stand in the parking lot all day. As long as the girls kill their performance and win their award, I'll be happy.

Uncle Rob and I were in the parking lot while the girls were dressing up inside the hotel. They've been there for almost an hour now but I was getting used to it. You can't expect five girls to get ready in fifteen minutes anyway. I turned to my Uncle who was scowling. Well, he was always scowling anyway.

He looked at me. "So how was Miami?"

The memories of my argument with my father came flooding in my mind and I hated myself for it. Why can't I think of the night I sang to Lauren instead? Why do I always think about that no good father of mine? I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and smiled at him.

"It was fun. I had a lot of fun," I said.

"Did anything happen with your mom?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Well, your mom called me a few minutes before you landed. She told me to watch over you and take care of you. She sounded serious—and sad."

I sighed at his words. At least one of my parents still cared about me. I never really talked with my mom after that night. I needed to call her later. She didn't do anything wrong. I looked up at my Uncle and patted his arm.

"I'll call her later, Uncle Rob. I promise," I reassured him.

"You better. Your mom is a nice woman. Don't you make her cry."

I couldn't stop my laugh. "I won't. Don't you trust me?"

He just grunted as I continued laughing. After a while, the phone in my pocket vibrates. I pulled it out and saw Chester's name on the screen.

"I'll be back, Uncle Rob. Just have to take this." I walked to the side and answered the call. "Hey, Chester. What's up?"

"Yo Y/N, today's the VMA's. Your superstars coming?"

I laughed at his words. "Yeah, they are superstars. And yes, they're coming. We have to be early though. They're performing at the pre-show."

"Early? Psh. I'm already here."

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Lucy's one of the interviewers so she needs to be really early."

Oh, so that was her name. I remembered seeing her briefly when the girls rehearsed at The Forum. But I never saw Chester there. "Well, I guess I'll see you there then."


I almost hung up but managed to hear Chester's voice. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, uh—you're Fifth Harmony's bodyguard, right?"

"Yes," I said slowly. I had no idea where Chester was going with this.

"So you know—you guard, umm—Camila Cabello?"

"Well, she is a part of Fifth Harmony. So yes."

"Uh—does she—does she have—a boyfriend—maybe?"

My eyebrows shot up as I realized what he was trying to say. "Holy shit, you like her."

"No!" he exclaimed. "Yes. Maybe—I don't know." I laughed at his embarrassed tone and he called me out for it. "Hey! Stop it, Y/N. It's just, I saw her when they rehearsed and I thought she looked—kinda cute."

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