Chapter 5

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I parked my black Camaro in front of the Cabello residence. Camila texted me her address and what time the dinner was supposed to start. I looked at my watch and saw that I'm about thirty minutes earlier than the agreed time. I kept telling myself that it was because I wanted to help with the preparation but I knew better.

It was because I wanted to see Lauren again.

I shook my head and grabbed the wine bottle on the passenger's seat. I got out of the car and walked towards the house. My heart was pounding with nervousness as I stood in front of the door. I hoped to God their parents didn't know me. I mean, I've egged a few houses before and I didn't recognize egging this particular house but-I could be wrong.

I sighed and knocked on the door. I heard talking and laughter from inside the house. It seemed like everyone was already here. Maybe I should have arrived an hour early? My thoughts were interrupted by an older brunette woman in front of me.

"Hi," I said, "I'm Y/N. Camila invited me?"

Her face lit up with recognition and she smiled at me. "Oh, hi. It's good to finally meet you! I'm Sinu, Camila's mom." She pointed at the wine bottle in my hand. "Is that for me?"

"Yes," I said, giving her the bottle.

"Come in, come in. You're a little early."

I entered the house and closed the door behind me. "I know. Is there anything I can help with?"

"Oh, nonsense," she said. "You're our guest. Now, I have to go back to the kitchen but they're at the living room. I'm sure the others would be happy to meet you."

"Thanks, Mrs. Cabello."

She laughed. "Call me Sinu. You don't have to be so formal. Go, Camila's waiting for you." She smiled one last time and left.

'Go, Camila's waiting for you' kept echoing in my head. What exactly did she say about me? And to her mother, no less. I heard laughter coming from the living room so I decided to follow it. I peered from the corner and leaned on the wall. Camila was sitting on the couch with a guitar on her lap. A small girl was beside her, swinging her legs as she sang along while an older man was smiling at them. Across from them, on another couch, sat a big man with a beard, a brunette teenage girl and a teenage boy. Everyone was looking at Camila and the small girl as they sang. I felt a smile tugging on my lips as I took in the sight. Camila really had a way to make people smile. She was a very special girl.

I don't say anything even as Camila finished playing and everyone was clapping. I just wanted to look at her. She had the brightest smile I've ever seen. And seeing her with the people she loved, I knew just where she got the strength to shine and inspire her fans every day.

She finally turned my way and saw me.

"Y/N! You're here!"

She put down the guitar on the floor and ran forward, hugging me. I wasn't prepared for the force of her hug so I staggered a bit but quickly regained my footing and hugged her back. I rested my head on the crook of her neck and for a second I imagined a world where Camila and I were right. But then the guilt of my feelings for Lauren surfaced and I found myself raising my head and letting Camila go. A look of worry crossed Camila's face but she quickly covered it up with a smile.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to my family." She held my hand in her own as she pulled me into the living room. "Hey everyone, this is Y/N. He's actually our new bodyguard and I didn't know he lived in Miami until yesterday."

"Oh? Thanks for taking care of the girls then. I'm Alejandro, Camila's father." He extended his hand towards me and I shook it.

"Good to meet you, sir."

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