Chapter 22

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"I'm going to win a moon man one day."

I looked at the girl cuddled up next to me on the couch. We were at her hotel room watching the VMA's on the television. I really didn't care for it but she insisted I watch it with her and she seemed so happy so I agreed.

"What's a moon man?" I asked.

She looked at me in shock and poked my side as I laughed at her reaction. "That's the award they give you at the VMA's, dummy! I'm going to get up that stage and accept my VMA one day."

I could see the determination in her eyes as I stared at her. We've been together for a few months now and I found out her dreams and ambitions. She really wanted to be a successful singer and I fully supported her at that. She was an amazing girl and I knew sooner or later, the whole world was going to realize that and love her too.

"I believe that," I said. "I believe in you."

She pulled away from my hug and lifted her legs on the couch. She was fully turned to me now so I did the same and looked at her. She took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers together.

"When I do, you'll be there with me, okay? I want you there when my dreams come true."

I smiled at the honesty on her face. I've always questioned if Ariana loved me as much as I loved her because I still couldn't believe an incredible girl like her would be with an average guy like me. But she did these little things like smile at me lovingly or look at me honestly like she was doing right now, that made me feel that my love was very much reciprocated.

"I'll be there," I assured her. And in my heart, I truly believed that.


I smiled and kissed our intertwined hands. "I promise."


I guess she got her wish.

"Thank you so much!" she said while looking at the crowd. She couldn't stop the smile on her face and I knew how happy she was to win right now. She's watched her favorite artists go up on that VMA stage and accept their moon man and now, it was Ariana's turn to shine.

"Thank you so so so so much. This means so much to me, I appreciate it. Woo!" she exclaimed as the camera cut to other artists and music started blaring on the speakers. Soon enough, Sam Smith is presented and he started singing his song.

I was leaning on the back room wall with my hands across my chest. Uncle Rob was talking to someone on the side so I was left alone with my thoughts. It's quite ironic that even after she broke my heart, I still kept my promise to Ariana.

Her dreams came true and I was here to watch it happen.

But instead of the pride and happiness I thought I'd feel, I felt numb instead. One look from her was all it took to suck all the energy out of me. I could tell Lauren knew something was wrong and I could see the hurt in her eyes when I lied to her but she didn't press me to say anything. And I felt like an asshole for that.

And oh, won't you, stay with me

Cause you're all I need

I looked up at the screen and saw Sam Smith serenading the crowd. I remembered this song. This was the song playing in my car when I found Lauren crying that night on her porch. I was confused about my feelings for Camila and Lauren when I slowed down the car to comfort the green eyed girl. But now that I think about it, maybe when I saw Lauren that night, I already chose.

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