Chapter 30

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I parked my car at the back of the LIV.

The moment I arrived in Miami, Leo called me immediately and told me I needed to come to the nightclub. I didn't know how he knew exactly that I was back in Miami. I was starting to think he might have someone tailing me all the time. But I just shrugged it off because he was still my friend one way or another and I still wanted to help him. I got out of my car and made my way to the back entrance.

The inside was a little bit dark but I felt my way to the main room and skipped up the steps. There wasn't anyone inside the club which was weird since most of the time, the bouncers would always be moving around trying to check the whole club before opening. I arrived at the skybox and opened the door.

Leo was seated on the bar talking to two bouncers. There were three more burly men seated on the couch and someone tending the bar. I moved towards him and he dismissed the guards he was talking to once he noticed.

"Hey," I said before sitting beside Leo.

"Good, you're here. I need to talk to you," he said motioning to the bartender for two drinks.

"What's going on?"

He sighed and rested his chin on his palm. I could see the dark circles under his eyes. The last time I saw him at the airport, he looked fine but now he looked like he hasn't slept in three days. His stubble was growing wild on his face. I've never seen him this stressed before.

"Man, everything's going to hell. They got Kid!"


He grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me closer to him. "Kid! They got Kid!"

Kid was Leo's right hand man. He was training Kid to take over the LIV one day and he treated him as his own son. Leo found him scavenging for food on the street and when he gave him some food, Kid followed him everywhere. Soon enough, Leo got him off the street and gave him a place to live. Kid was more loyal than anyone, Leo always told me. He was someone who got things done.

And now he was gone and I understood why Leo was angry and exhausted.

I grabbed his arms and slowly pulled them down. "Calm down, Leo. Who has Kid?"

The bartender put down two glasses in front of us and Leo drank both in one gulp. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms when he talked to me. "Gary and his gang," he told me. "He said he'd let Kid go if I give him eighty percent of the LIV's revenues." He looked at me and I could see the sadness in his eyes. "I can't do that, Y/N. But I need Kid too."

I sighed at the sight of a pitiful Leo. He looked lost and tired and I wanted to help him because I did care about him and he's been so good to me all these years. But I turned my back away from this world and I didn't want to go back.

"What do you want me to do, Leo? I'm not part of your world anymore," I told him.

He turned to me and grabbed my shoulders. "Please! Please, Y/N. Save Kid. This is my last request. I'm afraid they're going to kill him. He's like my son!"

There was raw determination in his eyes. But his world was toxic and I wanted to move forward. "Just—just get someone else, I'm sorry Leo," I say trying to shrug off his hands but he only holds on tighter and I could feel his firm squeeze.

"No. You're the best here, Y/N. I need to be sure Kid is going to be saved. This is the last time I'm asking you for anything. Please, please."

Kid was my friend too and he's been like a little brother to me. He always made me smile whenever I was down with my dad and when I just joined, he became my best friend. Lauren was going back tonight and I really didn't want to do anything illegal before that but—maybe I could. Since I was going to tell her the truth tonight, why not? Leo's helped me all my life and I needed to return the favour.

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