Chapter 2

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It's been a few days since I met the girls and now, I was on my very first job—a photo shoot. Honestly, the amount of teenage girls screaming as they got out of the car was crazy. I stared at the sea of fangirls (with a few boys) on the sidewalk as far as the eye could see. I was so dumbfounded that when I came to my senses, I realized that Uncle Rob had dragged me inside the building. Obviously he scolded me but understood that it was my first time as a bodyguard so I get a pass.

A tall man approached me as I saw the girls enter a room. Before the door closed, however, I saw Lauren and Camila talking in whispers with each other before looking back at me. When they saw me eyeing them, they quickly turned away. They were planning something, I just know it. I knew green eyes couldn't be trusted.

"Y/N, right?" I turned away from the door and looked at the man standing beside Uncle Rob. "My name is Stephen Schloss," he continued. "I'm the girls' tour manager."

"Oh, hi." I took his outstretched hand and shook it. "Thanks for giving me a job, by the way."

He laughed and patted Uncle Rob's back. "I couldn't resist this big guy. I mean, look at him."

I do.

Uncle Rob was not amused.

"Anyway, I just wanted to warn you a little bit about the girls."

Warn me? They were five teenage girls. Granted, I was a teen too but, I'm a guy and probably could pin them down in more ways than one. And of course, that thought lead me to imagine Lauren pinned under me. Fuck.

"They're a bit—hyper. Sometimes." Uncle Rob groaned. "Most of the time," Stephen corrected himself. "They'll probably mess with you and try to have a little fun so don't take it personally. They've done it to me and they've done it to Rob here." He looked at me and I nodded. Taking that as a sign I was listening, he continued. "One problem we have with them is that they like to be spontaneous most of the time and not listen to us—especially Camila. So that's where you come in. Look after them closely and if you think they're up to something, you—do your thing."

Do my thing? I raised my brow in confusion. Stephen looked at Uncle Rob who then nodded back at me.

"Your Uncle has told me of your—circumstances—and why you're here. I understand, it's fine. But because you're kind of a rule breaker, you'll probably know if the girls are up to something. And it's good for them to be near someone their own age."

Hire a thief to catch a thief. Clever. But being friends with them? Yeah, I couldn't see that happening. I will not let a girl break me ever again. So I plastered a smile on my face and nodded.

"Sure, Stephen. You can count on me."

He clasped his hands and looked at my Uncle. "Alright then. Now that that's settled, Rob and I need to talk privately for a few minutes. Could you watch the girls for us, Y/N?"

"Yep, I got it." I entered the room the girls disappeared to earlier and looked around. Normani was standing and posing on top of a white platform in front of a white background while the photographer took her pictures. Three of the girls were laughing and smiling while looking at the monitor on the corner showing Normani's pictures. But someone was missing.

A certain green-eyed someone.

I walked toward the girls and lightly tapped a laughing Camila on the shoulder. She looked at me as she wiped away a tear on the corner of her eyes. "Oh, h—hi, Y/N." She was still giggling. "What's up?"

"Where's Lauren?"

I saw her smile falter a bit but she recovered and sent me a megawatt smile in its place. Yep, something definitely was wrong. I've used that tactic a few times on my dad when I was just starting to act up but when I realized it didn't work, I retired the trick.

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