Chapter 18

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There's no place like home.

Granted, I wasn't specifically home yet but it was nice to be back in Miami. Lauren, Camila, and I walked towards the area where their parents were waiting for them. Both of the girls were exhausted and just ended up sleeping next to each other on the plane. I've always admired how they managed to go out every night and sing their hearts out without fainting from the lack of sleep. I guess it's just a matter of loving what you're doing for these girls.

We headed towards the waiting area but not before a few fans flocked the girls to take pictures. My body instinctively moved toward them but I managed to stop myself. I guess I was taking this bodyguard thing way too seriously. I adjusted the aviators on my face. I don't know if any of these fans recognized me as Lauren's boyfriend or anything but I better stay away just to be sure.

After a while, the girls said goodbye to the fans and headed towards their families. The sisters all ran towards each other in a company of shouts and screams. Sofi ran towards Camila and she carried her up in the air. Taylor was the first one to hug Lauren and I could clearly see the happiness on her face. The others followed and engulfed the girls in hugs.

And I couldn't stop the hurt I felt at the sight.

Simply because my parents weren't here right now. I called my mom a few days ago to tell her I was going home. She seemed really excited and promised to pick me up from the airport but then before we got on the plane this morning, she told me dad wouldn't give her the car keys and instead, told her to 'let him go home by his god damn self'. I know he hates me but I was still his son. I was trying to change for him and he fucking gets me down every time. And I'm furious that he can't be like Mike or Alejandro and support his own blood.

"Y/N." I barely managed to look up before I'm engulfed in a bear hug by Mike. I pushed all thoughts of my father out of my head and smiled at him. "It seems like only yesterday when I caught you almost kissing Camila and now, you're dating my daughter," he said with a stern face.


He must have seen the panic on my face because he burst out in laughter. "I'm kidding, son. You should've seen the look on your face. You looked like somebody found your browser history." I sighed and smiled at him. I saw Alejandro walking towards us so I met him halfway and hugged him too.

"Is Mike teasing you, Y/N?" he said amusedly.

"It's fine, Alejandro," I said with a smile.

"Thank you for protecting our daughters, by the way. You're doing a great job."

I looked behind him and saw Lauren and Camila smiling and laughing with the others. I looked back at Alejandro and smiled. "It's become more than a job to me. The girls mean so much to me now."

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and saw Mike looking at me proudly.

"Dad, stop bothering, Y/N."

I turned to the sound of the voice and saw Lauren walking towards us with a cute pout on her face. Mike raised his hands in the air. "Hey, I've been nothing but nice. Don't you trust me?"

Lauren playfully poked her father's belly. "Mom says we have to go."

"Alright, come on Alejandro." Mike put his arm around Alejandro's shoulder and they walked towards their families leaving Lauren and I alone.

"Hey," she said with a sweet smile.


"Look, tomorrow, we're going to have a small party—well not really a party but just a small get together. Just family and close friends at my house. And I—would you like to come?" she said then bit her lip. I swear, all she had to do was bite her lip any time she asked me for something and I'm going to go get it even if it was the motherfucking moon.

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