Chapter 50

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A/N: Hope y'all like this ending, don't hate me 🙇🏻

Lauren's POV

Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in... Breathe out... Breathe in...

I opened my eyes and stared at the milk white door in front of me. Slowly, ever so slowly, I let out the breathe I've been holding and felt a weight being lifted off my chest. I was alone in the dressing room as usual. I don't know why I started doing it but I always needed some time alone before a concert.

It wasn't because I was nervous. No, I've been doing this too long to get nervous.

It wasn't because I was a diva. I loved being with the girls and wanted to spend all the time I could with them.

There was just this small feeling of emptiness that distracted me every time. It didn't really stop me from performing but I just needed a few minutes by myself to focus again. After a few more breaths, I felt myself grow calmer and calmer until my body felt light. At that moment, I heard a knock on the door and saw Janelle's face peer inside.

"Hey, Lauren. You ready?"

I nodded and gave her a smile as I stood up and grabbed my jacket off the chair. "I'm good. Thanks for waiting."

"No problem. The girls are waiting for you. Come on."

I followed her outside and into the hall. Two doors down, I heard Camila's laugh reverberating outside the room. The moment Janelle opened the door, four pairs of eyes immediately turned to me.

"Hey, Lo! We were wondering when you'd get here," said Dinah.

I let out a small laugh before joining them in the middle of the room. "Don't worry, I'm good. I just needed to breathe."

"Ten minutes, ladies!" we heard a stage crew shout.

"Well," said Ally, "this is the last concert of our world tour."

"I know and I can't believe how fast everything went. I mean, can you believe we actually got to travel the world?" I could see Normani's eyes light up as she got lost in her memories of our tour.

"I feel you, Mani," agreed Ally.

"What do you say we make our last show memorable?" said the Tongan girl beside me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Yeah! Let's go wild!" exclaimed Camila.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'll go wild in your bedroom later, Walz," said Dinah followed by a teasing smirk. We all laughed at the blushing Camila while she glared daggers in Dinah's direction.

"Not cool, Dinah!"

Her outburst only made us laugh harder. Chester showed up earlier during rehearsals and saying Camila was ecstatic is an understatement. She was like a little kid on Christmas morning, giddy to open her present. There was no question they were going to spend the rest of the night together.

My eyes caught Camila's and she looked at me with apologetic look on her face. Whenever Chester was brought up, she'd always make that face and I knew exactly why. She was apologizing for the memories he brought with him. He was a bodyguard like Y/N was. Camila was a celebrity like I was.

And they fell in love like Y/N and I did.

I had to admit, seeing Chester always brought Y/N's memories back. But it wasn't his fault nor was it Camila's. That's just the way life is. I can't tell Camila to break up with Chester just because of my feelings. He made her happy and I wasn't going to take her happiness away from her just because of what I felt. That was selfish.

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