Chapter 46

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Lauren's POV

Days passed and Dr. Davids finally gave us the green light to take Y/N home.

He was happy, understandably, and so were his parents. I was ecstatic too since I could finally try jogging his memory by showing him around the places we've been. And the first place I thought of was the alcove. Our memories there were not exactly always good but they were memories nonetheless and I want him to remember me no matter what. I didn't even care anymore if he remembered me as his girlfriend. He could remember the time when we first met and we hated each other's guts and I'd be fine with it.

I'd be fine with anything after what happened in the hospital.

I thought he finally remembered me.

He remembered Grace so he probably remembered me too, right? But when Dr. Davids talked to him again, he didn't remember anything else aside from the tattoo. How can he remember things about me but not... me? His eyes still wandered in Ariana's direction and he still treated me with reservations. But I had no doubt that sooner or later, he was going to remember me and I only needed to push him in the right direction.

My feet stopped in front of Y/N's front door.

I've avoided him for three days and I really miss him. I thought that maybe my absence would pull a few more memories from his mind. I originally planned it to be a week but I've already lost him for five months and I wasn't going to waste the time I have with him anymore. I managed to knock before I heard a voice call out my name.


I turned around and saw Dr. Davids jogging up to me. She was wearing casual clothes and had a gentle smile on her face. I smiled and greeted her before she finally stood in front of me.

"Dr. Davids, hey. What are you doing here?"

She tilted her head towards the house. "I'm going to London soon but I wanted to talk to Hugh and Liz before I left. Actually, I'm glad you're here. You might want to hear what I have to say too."

I opened my mouth to ask what it was but the sound of the front door opening stopped me. I turned around and saw Liz looking at us. "Oh, Lauren. It's good to see you again. And you too, Dr. Davids. Come in."

She moved to the side and the doctor and I entered their house. The last time I was here was when Y/N first introduced me to his parents. As I moved to the foyer and peered at the living room, I remembered how his hand felt tense in mine from nervousness. Turning to my side, I saw the stairs where he ran down when he had a fight with his father. I remembered the redness of his face and the hurt in his eyes. I remembered how his hand shook when he grabbed mine.

I remembered everything.

While he remembered nothing.

"Lauren." I looked in front of me and saw Liz in the living room motioning for me. "Come."

Once I walked into the room, Hugh immediately waved at me from his chair with Liz seated beside him. She patted the seat beside her, motioning for me to take it while Dr. Davids sat on a chair in front of them. The moment I took a seat, I automatically looked around, searching for Y/N. Liz must've noticed my uneasiness because she rested her hand on my knee.

"He's not here, Lauren," she said. "You just missed them actually. He went out with Ariana."

"He did?" But she didn't say anything else. I knew it's horrible but for the last three days, I've prayed that Ariana would just leave. She told me she's not here to take Y/N from me, and I believed that—I know that—but Y/N doesn't. He still looked at her like she's a fucking princess and I hated it. I was the only one he was supposed to look at like that.

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