Chapter 49

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Three years later...

Lauren's POV

The plane lurched forward as the wheels of our private jet met the smooth runway underneath.

It seemed like years since we were back on American soil. Our first album did well internationally and got us some much needed recognition. But it was our second album that really catapulted us to the top of the charts. It debuted at #1 in more than 20 countries and our lead single was steadily climbing the charts. None of us saw it coming, to be honest. And now, here we were with our own private jet, assistants, and a soon to be finished world tour.

For one whole year, we did nothing but perform around the world from Australia to Asia to Europe, we went everywhere. And we loved it. All five of us have always wanted to travel and we were given a chance to do just that. And it was all through the support of our harmonizers who stuck by us every step of the way. Now, we were back in LA, the last leg of our tour and we were going out with a bang.

"Let's go, ladies."

Unbuckling our seatbelts, we stood up and followed Big Rob out the jet. The moment I stepped out onto the runway, the wind blew back my hair and I felt the California heat on my skin. I heard Dinah and Camila bickering about where to go after the concert as Big Rob grabbed our luggage and put it inside the SUV parked beside the plane. Once all of our bags were inside, the car revved its engine and left.

"Okay, huddle up," said Big Rob to the six men hired to be our bodyguards. We've become popular enough to warrant the presence of hundreds of paparazzi and thousands of fans whenever we were at LAX. It still seemed unreal to us how many people flocked to the airport just to see us for a split second.

Once Big Rob finished talking to the rest of our bodyguards, they huddled around us forming an unbreakable circle. Then as the five of us held each other's hands, we finally went through the doors and into the airport.

The screams were deafening the moment our fans saw us enter the building. Our bodyguards were tall and wide so we can barely see the people waiting for us but we can certainly hear their enthusiasm. The fans mixed with the paparazzi ran towards us and tried to break through the wall our bodyguards made around us. I held Camila's hand tight in mine, afraid a repeat of last time might happen again.

I still remember when she let go of Ally's hand to grab the hands of a few fans. But someone grabbed and pulled her towards them and we were panicking as Big Rob and the others tried to control the situation. Big Rob got angry at her but not for long after she promised to never do it again.

It seemed like hours before we finally got through the sea of people and out the airport to our awaiting car. Big Rob quickly ushered us in and shut the door before getting into the passenger's seat. Camila rolled the windows down to wave one last time to the fans before our car drove away.

We all uttered a collective sigh and laughed. We still couldn't believe how lucky we were to be in this position. I looked out the window and watched the cars and scenery pass by as we made our way to the hotel. I glanced at Camila and saw a lip-biting smile as she looked down at her phone.

"Is that the boyfriend?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. She looked up at me and I could see the blush creep up her cheeks.

"Oi, Mila. We just got off the plane and you already sexting your boy," said Dinah.

Camila's eyes widened and she slapped Dinah's arm. "Dinah!" We all laughed at her reaction but she just muttered under her breath and continued texting.

She and Chester have been together for two years and not a day went by where I don't see a smile on Camila's face. Sure, they've had their ups and downs but Chester always made sure Camila knew how much he loved her. At first, the fans were apprehensive because they didn't know anything about him. But as months passed by and they saw how happy she was with him, they started warming up to the idea of the two of them together.

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