Chapter 9

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I turned to the sound of the voice and saw Ally walking towards me. They just finished rehearsing for the day and were relaxing as far as I knew. I didn't go back with them but instead, stayed seated at the audience seats. I immediately noticed the worry on her face and I immediately knew something was wrong so I stood up and met her halfway.

"Ally, hey. What's wrong?" I asked.

She quietly offered me her phone. I looked at it then at her, not knowing what to do. She grabbed my hand and pushed the phone on my palm. I looked at the screen and in a second, the confused look on my face is replaced by shock.

I was looking at the picture of Lauren and I—her lips pressed on my cheek and smiling.

The fan that took it uploaded it on Instagram with a caption, 'let's hope this ends a little happier than the bodyguard'. It's weird how happy we looked in the photo as I stared at it. We looked like we didn't have a care in the world—like we were best friends. But we were anything but.

"Scroll down."

I looked at Ally then back at the phone and did what she asked. There were a lot of comments about the picture but they all practically said, 'omg they look great together', 'YASS LAUIS IS DEAD', and 'this is my second favorite ship after camren'. I'm pretty sure their fans knew Lauren has a boyfriend. Why are they shipping us? Didn't they like Luis?

"Y/N," said Ally.

I looked at her and gave her back her phone. "It's just a picture, Ally. It doesn't mean anything."

"To you. But they do to certain people."

"Like who?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Camila," she said. I closed my eyes at the name and mentally cursed myself. After I told myself a thousand times that I would never hurt Camila, I fucking did it on accident.

"And Lauren."

My eyes opened at Ally's words and I stared at her. "Lauren?"

"Camila isn't talking to Lauren, Y/N."

"That's unfair," I told Ally. "That picture doesn't prove anything. I'm just your bodyguard. It's just a picture."

"Lauren knows that Camila likes you. We all do. But Lauren still did that and for Camila, she betrayed their friendship. Could you please talk to her, Y/N?"

"Ally, I'm just a guy. I'm not worth fighting over."

Ally shook her head. "You're not just a guy, Y/N. For Camila, you're so much more."

If what I felt for Lauren was the same as what Camila felt for me, then I understand why she would get angry. Because when I think about Luis and Lauren, it takes all my willpower not to scream and pull my hair out.

"I'll talk to her. Where is she?"

"She's in the backroom, just past our dressing room," she said.

I uttered a quick thank you as I ran toward Camila. I was hired to protect Fifth Harmony and I was the fucking reason why two of them weren't talking to each other. I needed to make this right. I turned at the corner and pushed the door of the backroom open. A girl was staring at me as I practically took the door off its hinges.

It was Lauren.

I closed the door behind me and walked around the room. "Where's Camila?"

"I don't know," she answered.

I looked around and confirmed that Camila wasn't anywhere inside. "Ally told me she was here."

"Maybe, but not now."

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