Chapter 23

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I didn't like being the jealous boyfriend. I didn't like it one bit.

I remembered watching TV shows where the guy always messed up the relationship because he thought the girl's cheating on him just because she's hanging out with another guy. I hated seeing that because I believed that trust is the most important factor in a relationship. And if you couldn't trust your girlfriend that she loved you when you're not with her, then you didn't deserve her.


Damn it. I'm jealous of Brad and Lauren.

At the start of the tour, before Lauren and I were together, she's already been close with Brad. They've spent some time together and I knew there was something between them. But I never asked her about it, not even when she became my girlfriend because I was afraid she'd ask me about my ex-girlfriend.

I didn't feel like Brad was any competition because I knew Lauren had feelings for me. And whenever our eyes met each other, I would always see the love there. But I couldn't always be there for Lauren, unlike Brad. Often times, I needed to come with Uncle Rob to walk around the venue and check security. Other times, a camera crew would follow the girls around and I couldn't be in the shot. Most of the time, however, they had this sort of jamming session between the two groups which were restricted to just them. I didn't know what went on in there and I knew Lauren wasn't doing anything with Brad and he seemed like a nice guy unlike Austin, but I was still a bit jealous.

Just like right now.

The members of the two groups were chilling in the dressing room during Austin's set. They were talking and laughing inside while I was in the hallway outside. I could see Ally taking selfies with the others while the boys played their guitars. Lauren was lying down on the couch talking with Brad while he was seated on the same couch in front of her. He was smiling down at her and she was laughing at something he said. Lauren did invite me to come with her inside but let's be honest, going everywhere with her would make me seem like a clingy boyfriend. Especially if I was the only one inside that wasn't a member of the opening act.

I needed to clear my head.

I walked down the hallway and towards the buffet room. I saw Stephen sitting on a table and sat across from him. He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Hey there, Y/N. Something bothering you?"

I sighed and dropped my chin on the table. "I'm a horrible boyfriend."


"Because I'm jealous about Brad and Lauren," I told him.

He laughed and looked at me. "You don't have anything to be jealous of. Lauren loves you."

I raised my head and rested my arms on the table. "I know that but they've gotten so close during the tour."

"But aren't you and Lauren closer?"

I groaned at him. "Yeah but Brad's a nice guy. I've actually talked to him a couple of times and as much as I want to hate the guy, I really can't. He's a really good singer and he's in a freaking band. He's also good looking. Have you seen me, Stephen? I'm a 5 at best. The guy's at least an 8."

"Don't put yourself down too much," he said.

I crossed my arms on the table and buried my face in them. I wonder what Lauren saw in me that made her fall in love? I really wasn't a special guy. More often than not, I was very selfish. But no matter how many times I made her cry, she still chose to forgive me. The feeling that I didn't deserve her never left me. I'm always afraid that one day she's going to wake up and realize she deserves so much better than me.

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