Chapter 38

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The sun is bright through the slats of the blinds when I open my eyes the next morning. The clock on the bedside table says I've slept later than I can remember sleeping since before the night I lost Lauren. And I feel good. Rested. Like I've—

I've slept all night.

No insomnia. No nightmares. No itch to drink pills.

No tears.

"Hey." Lauren's voice is husky with sleep beside me, her arm across my chest. Everything about last night was perfect. We didn't have sex but I felt closer to her than ever. It's like we were intimate in a way that didn't require shedding our clothes off, but opening our hearts to each other.

"Hey back," I said.

She looked up at me and I saw the sleepiness swirling in her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes with specks of blue and gold in them. It's like I was looking at our very own galaxy. A secret galaxy only the two of us knew. A small smile appeared on my face as she lifted her head and kissed my chin. And in an instant, my body warmed up and shivers raced up and down my spine. She was the only girl in the world that made me feel like that and I loved it.

She burieds her face on my side and I felt her yawn. "What time is it?"

I picked up my phone. "Almost ten."

She lifted her head and rested her chin on my chest. "I need to get ready in a few hours." I felt the rise and fall of her chest against me as she took a deep breath. "I don't want to leave."

A wide smile appeared on my face as I intertwined our hands together. Without looking away from her, I raised her hand to my lips and placed a kiss on it. I'm rewarded by a small smile and giggle from her lips. I didn't want her to leave too but after all we've been through, it didn't matter. There was no doubt how much we loved each other anymore.

She moved on top of me until we're face to face and her hair brushed against the sides of my face. Slowly, ever so slowly, she moved down closer to my face. I felt her breath against my lips and it took every ounce of my will not to lift up my face and close the distance. She stopped just before meeting my lips and my heart whizzed around in my chest like a bottle rocket. But just as I thought she wouldn't do it, she moved down and finally kissed me.

It started out as a simple peck of her lips, like the kind you give a child's bruise. You could even call it an innocent kiss—like a first kiss or an accidental kiss. It was that fleeting but it was also that special. But I knew she wasn't going to end it there. She gave me another peck but this time, her lips stick to mine, unmoving, but the moment her tongue licked my lips, the innocence went out the window and the shivers came back. I couldn't take it anymore as I placed my hands on her waist. I needed to touch her, to feel her. And as if reading my mind, Lauren snapped her last restraint and moved her mouth against mine. I pulled her waist down to meet mine and I heard her groan against my mouth. But I didn't let her pull away, it's been too long that I've dreamed of kissing her again and there was no way in hell I'm letting her go until we both forgot each other's names.

"Lauren, have you packed—holy shit!"

Lauren moved away from me so fast, I thought she was going to fall off the bed. I looked at the door and saw Mike looking at us in terror. And I didn't blame him. The guy who broke his daughter's heart was now making out with said daughter. Lauren jumped off the bed and stalked towards her dad.

"Dad! Heard of knocking?" she said as she pushed him down the hall.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie, I—" Mike's voice cut out as Lauren closed the door behind her. I let out a deep breath at the awkward situation we just let Lauren's dad see. And if the bulge in my pants was any indication, had he walked in a little bit later, he would've seen something a lot worse. I stood up from the bed and heard murmurs outside the door, Lauren's voice more prominent than Mike's.

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