Epilogue 1

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Two years later...

Your POV

The sunlight hit my face as it seeped through the blinds.

Slowly, I managed to open my eyes and for a moment, I felt disoriented. I had to blink a few times before I could get a grasp of where I was. Yawning, I stretched my arms above my head and grabbed the headboard to pull myself up to a seating position. The blanket slipped down my body with a muffled sound. It was quiet and only a slow breathing could be heard throughout the room. I let out a few more yawns before I turned to the other side of the bed.

And that's when a slow smile played on my lips.

Her skin looked so radiant under the sunlight. She was sleeping on her stomach with her head turned to me. The blanket, which was covering her naked body last night, was now nestled on the small of her back just above her butt. Her hair was in messy waves covering her face and they moved in tune with every slow breath that escaped her lips.

I reached out to her, carefully moving her hair from her beautiful face, not wanting to wake her up. Tucking it behind her ears, she softly stirred and I froze. But soon she relaxed under my touch and went back to sleep. There was a part of me that wanted to take her right now. To position myself on top of her and wake her up in the best way possible. But there was another part that just wanted to stare at her—to admire her beauty and her perfection. To just think about how the guy who had the worst luck in the world, managed to get a girl that looked like God hand-sculpted her Himself. And so putting on my boxers, I got up from the bed.

The bed I shared with Lauren Jauregui.

I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face. The dark circles under my eyes showed the stress that pre-med put me through but I wasn't complaining. I was going to graduate soon and when I finally got to med school, it'll only be a matter of time before I realized my dream of becoming a doctor.

After doing my morning business, I made my way out the bedroom and into the kitchen to make some coffee. I yawned into my hand as I waited for the coffee and looked around the apartment. It wasn't a penthouse apartment but it wasn't a cheap one either. I rented it last year since Lauren wanted to visit me during her breaks. So when she's done recording, she would go here, sometimes even with the others, and we'd hang out. After my hard day at school or her exhausting day at recording, having somewhere where we could be with each other, just hanging out or watching a movie, is a blessing.

I poured myself a cup of coffee when it's done and made my way to the balcony.

It's a good thing the apartment was at a nice place because the noise was minimal. And at the end of the day, Lauren and I just wanted some peace and quiet with each other. I moved towards the railings and rested my arms on top of them. But it wasn't always easy for the two of us. Just because I finally remembered her and we reunited didn't mean our relationship was easy sailing. There was the matter of distance first of all. And then the both of us were jealous of the people we both worked with. And eventually a time came when the both of us were tired and angry and just wanted to call it quits. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled.

But I guess soulmates really do find their way to each other.

I laughed at the memory and finished my coffee. I made my way to the kitchen and poured another cup for Lauren. It was only a little past nine in the morning and we had a flight to LA in three hours. Lauren's been telling me for weeks about her plans once we landed. She's taking me somewhere special apparently but she wouldn't tell me where it was no matter how many times I asked.

I slowly pushed the bedroom door open and saw Lauren unmoved from her earlier position. I leaned my arm on the doorway and just looked at her. There was something familiar about all of this. And that's when I felt the familiar pang of resurfacing memories in my head. My knees buckled and I could distinctly hear the cup in my hand breaking on the floor before the flashes of memories invaded my mind.

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