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P r o l o g u e

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P r o l o g u e

The moonlight spilled into the room, highlighting the soft features of the girl who slept without a care on her bed. She stirred in her sleep, muttering something unintelligible.

Her body was getting restless as a pull was trying to awake her, it got stronger and it didn't take her a long time to sleepily walk from her bed to the door or her room.

The dulcet tunes of a barely audible tinkling sound got her a little more curious about what was happening around her, she was in a sort if trance that she couldn get out of even if she wished with all her might.

'Daria?' Her mothers voice make the fifteen year old glance up in shock, and she smiled, unsure of what was happening.

'Yes mother?' She asked sweetly, a tone which was common amongst all teenagers who were caught doing something that they shouldn't have been doing.

'Where were you going?' Her mother, who had caught the sound of her footsteps and had come to investigate, inquired.

'For a walk.' Daria innocently answered.

'It's almost two princess, it is late.' Her mother informed her and the genuine surprise on her face convinced her mother that she was truly curious.

'I just want to follow the pull.' She murmured, low enough for werewolf senses to not make out what she said. 'Just around the house?' She begged.

'Absolutely not, go to bed at once. There are unknown dangers lurking about at night, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.'

'Yes mum.' She glanced out of the window, dissapointed.

'Sleep tight.' Daria didn't reply, but simply nodded and walked back to her room, hearing the tinkling wistfully.

First things first: No, the rest of the chapters are NOT going to be this short. XD

Hey there my Wolfies! So if you've read The Alpha's Little Rogue, you probably know how I am, sporadic and erratic with updates, but I try my best.

This is going to be very different compared to my other books, the theme is darker and if you've got a frail heart, here is your caution.

Beware: Dark-ish Themes

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