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'Can I ask you something though?' Daria shuffled side to side on her foot.

'No.' Emerson's short reply didn't make her give up.

'Please? Its something that has been troubling me for a long time.'

Emerson was going to deny her request again, but then he saw the sadness in her eyes which was his fault. Even though she wouldn't admit it to him, he had been hurting her. He was having second thoughts about forceful keeping her with him in the Vangard Territory, it only seemed right in the starting, she would be in front of him and he wouldn't be worrying about her at the back of his mind, but not once had he thought about what it would have been like for her.

He told her things which he shouldn't have, but he couldn't take it back and his Alpha pride prevented him from apologising to her.

He looked up at her cautious stance and shrugs, making a "go ahead" motion with his hands.

'One question.' Daria was honestly surprised as he didn't expect hin to actually listen to her, but she was also glad that she didn't have much convincing to do.

'Why are you so against the concept of me being your mate?' Her eyes were sparking with emotion and she continued to play with the end of her torn T-shirt.

'It's not you, I just don't want a mate, or any female by my side.' Daria smiled, and only if he had been looking at her, he would have seen the little quirk of her corner of her lips upwards.

'That's nice.' She told him in a voice that was barely above an inaudible murmur. He slyly glanced at he from the corner of his eyes, but they flitted away before her attention could be focused on his face.

They walked for a few more minutes, but before she could take another step she was pulled to a stop. Emerson's dark orbs had become pitch black, and the low growls building up at the back of his throat made her wary.

Another minute passed and Vincent stood by them, tightly holding onto her other arm. Emerson loosened his hold and bounded into the forest, towards the pack house, angsty.

Daria was confused, and a hundred questions ran through a mind. Did someone get hurt? Did she do something? Vincent stood by her like a solid pole, not letting her move an inch from her spot.

'Leave my hand Vincent, it hurts.' She rotated her wrist, and tried to wriggle it out.

'Alpha's orders princess, no can do.' But even he looked a little jittery.

'What happened?' She asked.

'It's none if your business.' Was his short reply.

'It can be dangerous to me too.' She insisted.

'Like anybody is going to buy that.' He muttered angrily, tightening his hold around her hand. She was about to ask him what did he mean by that, but Roman ran out from another part of the woods. Daria wondered if all men in the pack had the ability to appear and disappear as they wished.

'Vincent! I think one of the disturbances was near your family, your sister saw someone lingering around your house.' Roman informed him breathlessly.

'Is Amelia okay?' Vincent asked. That was the only time Daria had ever seen a caring side of her guard, she assumed that Amelia was either his sister, or his mate.

'Yeah, you can go check on her if you want. I'll handle Daria.' Vincent looked between the mentioned wolf and the speaker of the sentence nervously, and then sighed, as if giving up.

'If you let her escape I swear that I'll hunt you down, both of you.' Roman nodded.

'I'll be mad to disobey Alpha Emerson's orders, I'm bound under them.' Roman assured Vincent, who had already taken off. Then he turned towards Daria and showed her all his thirty-two teeth happily. 'Did you miss me?' He quirked an eyebrow up.

'Ofcourse I did!' She hugged him tightly. And then stepped back, an aura of bliss surrounding her. 'Did you lie to him?'

'No, Amelia, his sister actually did catch someone sneaking into the pack house, she's not sure if it's an intruder or not though.' He mused.

'Well, because of that person we have a reason to be together now.' Daria smiled. 'I missed your stupidity.'

'And I missed your wise words.' He grinned.

'Oh shut up.' She blushed. 'So can I run?' She was only half joking.

'Unfortunately, no.'

She sat down and patted the grass beside her. Just as Roman was about to take a seat, another disturbance made them cautious. He sniffed the air and caught the sweet, cherry like familiar aroma of his mate.

Kara looked like a deer caught in headlights, her wide doe like brown eyes had suspicion etched in them. She huffed and started to walk away from them, pausing only to shift into her wolf.

'Kara!' Roman yelled desperately. 'It's not what it looks like.' Only after her name had been taken did Daria realise who the pretty girl was, she felt insecure. Roman chased after his mate, and at the same time a dizzy spell hit Daria hard. She tried to stay awake but couldn't balance her body and her face slammed hard into the ground. She saw Roman look at her for a millisecond, but he didn't bother to return.

The world lost it's colour for her, and her mind lost it's conciousness. Almost an hour later Emerson and Vincent returned to take her back, and away from Roman, but they were shocked when they saw her lying on the ground with a bleeding pack member next to her, the tips of their fingers touching.

There was still no sign of Roman around.


Mini Rant/ Warning:

So here's a little suggestion for haters who can't stand to see a story with a "bad storyline" or "plot holes"... If you think that my book is like that, then please, leave and don't read it. I appreciate all the love and support that I get from you guys and that's what keeps the story going, but at the same time hate comments do sometimes make the author doubt herself/himself.

I'm not perfect and there will be mistakes, constructive criticism is very helpful, but there's a thin line between that and being an a-hole.

I get that this book is one that you can either hate or love, but please refrain from being rude.

Spread love, not hate.

Chapter dedication to @fantasticbabyhippo for the beautiful fan art above ❤️

If you too have made, or want to make something for me, then send me a pm!

P.s. There's lots of drama ahead ;)

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