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Roman wasn't very happy with Daria's choices, and it was only his duty to go and inform Alpha Emerson about Daria's fruitless tries. How his Alpha punished her was none of his business, even though he personally would rather let her off with a warning.

'You're not making this any easier for yourself.' Alpha Emerson told Daria, entering the room with a disapproving frown on his face, but Daria couldn't care less. Her whole life had been upturned by by his moronic wishes that left her breathless, and not in a good way.

She felt like she was drowning and that she had no one to to turn to, the only person who provided the smallest amount of comforts was Roman Wilde, but he too was commanded by his Alpha.

'I don't want to make it any easier for myself, the best escape would be one from hell.' She stubbornly raised her chin. At first glance no one would be able to fully feel the amount of willpower this small made woman had, but after careful observation none would be able to deny that fact.

The chains dangling off Alpha Emerson's hands made Daria wary of what he was there to do to her. Her body unconsciously inched towards away from him, her wolf whined inside, desperate for any sort of positive indication from her mate.

Though her anger towards the ill treatment made her utterly despise her supposed "second half", there was a part of her that didn't believe that he was completely evil. His behaviour towards his pack was one of an ideal Alpha, the perfect role model to the younger pups who needed a guide, then why was he the opposite towards her?

'I would suggest that you don't talk a lot, won't be doing you any good.' Before he turned the key in the lock, he stood in front of the slightly disfigured bars that bent away each other by a tiny angle.

'What are those chains for? Are you going to hit me?'

'I try not to hit those much weaker than myself, the exception has always been offenders of the law, but stupid people are excused.' Daria tried to look offended, but the relief was clear.

'Well, not as stupid as you. I could have easily escaped this place if Roman hadn't turned up.'

'Isn't that the whole point of him being here? To stop you from escaping.' He raised an eyebrow. 'And even if you had gone out of this place, do you think you could have escaped all the guards standing around?'

'To escape from you? I would walk through fire if I had to.' Roman stood sullenly nearby, his eyes alternating between Daria and his Alpha who stood stiffly.

'You're quite overdramatic, is working in movies one of your passions? Maybe one of those senseless werewolf ones.' He smirked.

'Only if I get to kick your arse in it.' She showed her teeth.

He opened the cage and stepped inside, untangling the metal chains. He jerked them twice, as if to check it's strength.

Satisfied with what he felt he caught hold of Daria's right hand in a painful grip and then placed her left hand in the same position. They sparks running in shocking waves over their skin couldn't be ignored by either of them.

Daria rolled her hand, it felt like ants were crawling on her skin. Emerson Cardin's eyes appeared as beautiful sparkling orbs as his wolf connected to his female counterpart. He shook himself out of the strange trance and wrapped the chains securely around her wrist, and cuffed the hand cuff type thing around one of her ankles.

The pleasurable tingles were certainly distracting Emerson, but he tried his best to ignore them while Daria did the same.

'Take these keys Roman,' Alpha Emerson threw the keys towards the said person, 'and make sure that when you are away the lock is secure.'

'Yes, Alpha.' He politely replied, he had almost dropped the keys as he seemed lost in thought. He fixed the new pair of keys with the others at his belt loop.

'The rain hasn't stopped, the minute it does I will be transferring you away from here, but those chains stay on.' Her mate informed her as he locked the door.

Daria put her head between her knees. She lightly touched the chains, tracing them around her ankle and then upto her wrist. They did not hurt, but their comfort level wasn't the highest, she sighed unhappily.

'I'm sorry.' Roman apologised after a large amount of silence.

'For what?' Daria asked with scorn, turning her head away from his direction. He may have done his job, but he only made it tougher for her to escape. She couldn't blame others though, her plan wasn't properly decided and the only person she had the right to curse was herself and her fate.

'I had to do my job and you broke my trust, but despite that I wanted to help you and I couldn't as I can't put my tongue in places where it doesn't belong.' Daria knew what he was trying to say, and instead of acting like a annoying child she accepted his apology, only nodding.

'Aren't you going to say anything?' He asked.

'You want me to apologise for wanting to escape?' She questioned him.

'I didn't say that, but-'

'Because I won't. I'll take whatever chance I get because this isn't my home, and I don't want to stay here, not now, not ever.' She cut him off rudely.

'Not everyone is your enemy Daria, Alpha Emerson may not want you now but he will want you later.' He tried to make Daria understand, but his choice of wording was wrong.

'Who said that I'll accept him then? You don't choose your mate when you feel like Wilde.'

'Some do. And I know that some wait for that choice.'

'Those people are idiots, their hope is built on the stupidity that the Moon Goddess is fair!' She yelled frustrated.

Sitting down on his chair Roman stared at her, although her face was hidden from the public eye by her hair. His eye fell on the wound inflicted upon her when he had pounced on the jail and he flinched at the sight of the angry red lines.

He went to get the first aid kit and and called her close to the bars.

'Why don't you leave me alone?' She groaned.

'You're going to infect that wound, let me apply some antiseptic ointment.'

'I can do it myself.'

'With your tied wrists?' She glanced down at her left hand and grudgingly turned around, showing him her back. He smiled and patted it lightly onto her wound.

'So, do you know how to play Bluff?' Roman asked, trying to make a conversation.


We reached #53 in werewolf!

Bluff: This is a card game in which cards are equally distributed amongst all players and the end point of the game is when one player is left with the majority of the cards(that player LOSES). Suppose you have two aces and one spade, you can lie and put them down saying that they are three aces, but if at all the other player thinks that you are bluffing then they will pick them up and you'll have to take all the cards back.


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