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The day after the kind man, named Castile had entered and left a great impact on Daria's life, she was more hopeful than ever. He said that he would try to help her, and he knew the name of the pack she belonged to. If only he remembered and let her location slip to her parents or Alpha, then she could be rescued.

But that didn't mean that she was going to stop trying from her end.

Roman had been in and out of the room, but for most part of the day he often disappeared for long periods, and came back with a visibly happy look. Daria was glad that he still had a life that didn't involve baby-sitting her, but that selfish part of her mind craved for his presence.

Daria felt Emerson Cardin standing outside the door, and she could hear the hesitant shift of his footsteps. It seemed like he was contemplating something, but he was in two-minds about it.

For the first time since she had arrived in the pack, he respected her privacy and knocked on the door. It was three sharp sounds, probably caused by his strong knuckles. Daria was almost about to tell him to stay there, but as always, her inquisitive nature got the best of her. And it wasn't like he was actually going to listen to her, he wasn't that well mannered.

'Come in.' She called out in a strong voice, and he did, his hand held the key to the lock around her chains. Her spirit lifted a little.

'Was it possible that he was going to free her.' She thought, and instantly shook off that thought. Her hopes were set way too high because of the care and love that Roman provided her with, she had come to expect a lot in the last few days.

He unlocked the chains around her and pulled her body up easily, making her stagger because of no balance. His face was separated from hers by a mere hairs width. Their lips were almost touching each other, but with the little amount of self control Daria possessed, she shoved her mate away from her.

'I've told you before and I'm telling you again, stay away from me.' She warned him, pointing her index finger at him. He growled lowly at the the sign of disrespect and tried to catch hold of the finger, but Daria's fast reflex action had him grabbing onto thin air.

'Don't think that I can't harm you if I wish to.' He gripped her forearm tightly, squeezing it till she whimpered. Regret was clear in his whiskey coloured eyes. 'Sorry.'

He left her hand.

'Saying things you don't mean is worse than having letting ill words run consistently from your mouth.' She snarled.

They stared at each other for some time in silence, their close proximity awakening Emerson's wolf. He whined softly, and that sharp sound made something in Daria's mind snap. Her own wolf started to shift around, getting restless.

Daria wanted to squeal in joy. But she was dissapointed that even after her insistent begging and pleading, her wolf only thought about her mate. She was sure that her wolf was storing up on the energy to strike when the time was right, but now she wasn't sure.

Emerson's eyes flickered between black and his human eyes, and once the changing stopped, they were back to their natural colour.

His will had won over his wolf's, and at the exact same time Daria's wolf once again retreated into the shadow.

'That was strange.' Emerson said frowning and taking several steps back.

'It would be for you, because you refuse to acknowledge the mate bond between us.' She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ears.

'What bond? The connection we have is of an Alpha and his captive.'

'That is exactly what I was talking about.' She sent him a fake smile. 'Do you go around randomly capturing people?'

'Sometimes. It's fun.' He smirked.

'You live for the chase, I love the hunt.'

'Oh believe me when I say that I'm the best hunter out there, but everyone loves the before-the-kill thrill.' He grinned widely as he said that, and Daria couldn't helo but notice how handsome he was when he did that. He had the type of face that people thought could only be carved by a gifted sculpturing master. But in truth it was only the good genes of his beautiful dead mother, strict but caring father and sheer hard work that that gave him a model worthy face and physique.

'Why prolong something, when it can be done in a clean method without time wastage?' Daria retaliated.

'Because then it wouldn't be a game would it?' Daria wondered if his life was so uneventful that he needed to keep her around.

'Your logic is as bad as my aiming skills, which is saying something.' She scoffed.

'Thank you for that piece of information, I'll use it when necessary.' He left.

Daria felt different, he had taken the chains away and she no longer had any heavy piece of metal restricting her movements. She then ran to the door and turned the door knob, but was disappointed when she realised that the door was locked from the outside.

The air felt charged, and all the small hair on her hand stood up due to the static electricity. She smoothened down the standing follicles and sat with her back against the door, she could hear the heavy breathing of a newly guard on the other end and started to imagine an extravagant escape.


So who do you hope that Daria ends up with?

Can you see her escaping all on her own?


Chapter Dedication to @TealIvy for starting two very important movements, #stopdoorabuse and #doorsmatter XD ... Oh! And also for being an amazing reader :)

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