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'Can I come with you?' Daria asked him nervously, eager to meet the awoken girl. If she could tell them who attacked her, then his pack would finally be able to know that she was innocent.

Emerson looked at her with a conflicted expression, unsure about whether he should allow someone so hated to roam around with him, but he also knew what business she had with the little girl and didn't have the heart to deny her so openly.

'I think you should stay back here, atleast for now.' He told her, crossing his arms over his chest.

'But I want to meet her! I want to know who attacked her.' Daria was being a little insensitive, she wasn't thinking about how it would look to the parents of the child who saw her as the attacker.

'She has just gotten out of a coma and that's what you're worried about?' He asked, raising an eyebrow.

'I want to know if she's alright too.' Daria felt a little ashamed at how she was behaving, but slowly, the longer she stayed as a captive, the more her behaviour had changed. She was learning to live for herself, and no one else. The survival instinct in her had gone stronger and stronger and she had a feeling that soon it would overpower her common sense.

'You are waiting here.' He told her, and then he turrned to Vincent to give him instructions. 'Make sure the doors are properly locked and stand outside the door.' He wasn't just worried about Daria escaping, there were a lot of people from the pack who wanted her dead, Luna or not.

'Yes Alpha.' The spineless puppet replied, with his head low. Daria pushed the chair in frustration, her eyes flickering between her wolf and human side unknowingly.

She felt a sudden shift in the back of her mind and clutched her head in pain, trying to suppress it with the pressure from her fingers. She looked into the mirror and nearly jumped in joy when she saw her eyes as dark as a puddle of spilled ink.

'A-are you alright?' He asked tentatively, unsure of his place with her.

'Better than I've ever been.' She grinned at her reflection. He nodded, still hesitant, and walked out of the room with Vincent trailing behind. The click of the door made it obvious that she had been locked in, but it didn't bother her. Trying to escape at that moment, without a plan or a helper was useless.

She started to wonder about Roman Wilde, her former friend, accomplice and bearer of the torch that could have had her home. Then her mind instantly shifted to thoughts about Emerson Cardin, Alpha of the pack she was locked away in, a man who she was sure to loath for eternity.

She wrapped her hands around her knees and pulled them towards her chest, sitting calmly and hearing her own self breath. She got up from the bed and snooped through Emerson's things, opening cupboards and peering into drawers. She peeked out of the window, only to see three men standing with their eyes fixated on her. She stepped back.

There was a door that was locked and though it piqued her curiousity, she couldn't open it. She couldn't smell anything interesting om the other side and it seemed like a normal cupboard, but her wolf encouraged her to check it out.

She found a hard, metal paper weight and hit the lock with a measurable force.

'Hey! What are you doing in there?' Vincent yelled from outside.

'None of your business!' She replied, closing her eyes. She played with the lock, shifting it around. It didn't seem to move an inch, but she applied a little more pressure and it fell away.

Daria was met with darkness when she pushed the door open, it was so dark within that it almost felt as if she was walking in with her eyes closed. She felt like it was dangerous, but her wolf was urging her towards what she thought was safe.

With one hand placed on the wall, and her feet taking light steps, Daria was unsure what to expect at the other end. The path first took her straight, then left and then right, till she came across a flight of steps.

'Walk slowly, you don't want to injure yourself.' Daria whispered to herself as her eyes had started to adjust to the dark and her wolf made herself useful by aiding her sight.

Her slow descent down the steps took a few minutes, and at the end of it she met a dead end. She cursed under her breath and felt it blindly, trying to find any sort of opening and hit jack pot when her fingertips brushed over a rusted handle. She pulled it open, the creaking sound surprised her.

The room was empty, she couldn't smell anybody around and her mind was in a state of complete relaxation. She finally didn't feel trapped.

A noise from around the large, wooden wall that was a stunning reddish-brown colour made Daria alert, she placed her hand on it and felt a bang from the other side. Her body automatically started to move in the direction of the sound, despite the possible danger.

She had seen horror movies, it was silly of her to move towards the sound. A ghost may not have scared her, and nor would another mangled creature if they existed, but the pack members or a stray rogue from around the corner could prove life threatening.


Chapter dedication to @sweetangel255, thank you for those lovely covers in the media section! (I tried to fit both properly but it just didn't happen!)

It's almost been a week and we are still at a steady #14 in werewolf! <3 Thank you! *sends truckloads of love your way*

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