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'Finally, you're awake.' Daria opened her right eye slowly, and then her left eye, rubbing them to get the sleep out of. She had smelt his tantalising scent before her eyes had seen him, and in her sleep she had stirred, an unconscious reaction to her mates presence.

'Good morning, dear Mate.' Emerson Cardin smiled, and for a moment Daria thought that she was dreaming. Her mind was showing her why she wanted to see, but the only thing that didn't fit into the scene was that she was still stuck in the jail, and her family was no where in sight. The smile seemed to be a sarcastic one.

'What are you doing here?' She raised her eyebrows, adjusting the chains around her hand. His sudden appearance after all this time activated Daria's "caution radar."

'This does happen to be my pack Daria, I can be wherever I want to be.'

'I think I must be dreaming.'

'Really?' He asked her.

'You just called me your mate, I thought that was something you weren't going to accept till your last breath.' Her bewilderment had definitely not gone unnoticed by Emerson.

'Mate does mean friend, you know.' He smirked.

'Not in our world, but who said I was even close to being your friend?' She smartly replied.

'Your world and mine are very different.'

'I agree. But that still doesn't answer my initial question, why are you here?' His constantly skipping her questions was frustrating her.

'The rain has stopped.'


'And I'm going to take you to the room above, before that I've also decided to take you for a walk.' He announced.

'I'm not a dog.' She said darkly. 'And why, aren't you afraid that I would find all the secret escape routes.'

'I'll just have to keep you on a short leash then, wouldn't I? And anyways, it would defeat the whole purpose of bringing you here if you died, the little claustrophobic girl.' He mocked.

'Where is Roman?'

'Why do you need him? He is just my guard.' His eyes flashed dangerously, which made Daria wonder if he was jealous, after all, alpha males had a very possessive nature.

'He is the only one I trust, won't take me into the woods and kill me.' She admitted. Her hands were unknowingly tracing the tattoos, intricate designs that looked stunning against her fair skin.

'He'll do whatever I tell him to do.' He rebutted, he had caught Daria's subconscious tracing and his eyes had travelled down to her ankle.

'He had a mind of his own, that is something you can't control.' His gaze made a chill pass through her body.

'And within his mind resides his wolf, that I can control. He's my guard, stop talking about him as if he is your friend.'

'But he is.'

'You can't have friends, especially male friends!' His sudden outburst made Daria's eye widen.

'Excuse me?' She asked. 'Who are you to tell me what to do.' He didn't reply, but simply unlocked the door and let the chains off her. She was rubbing her wrist and ankles, still getting use to them being off after so long, when Emerson Cardin jerked his head in a motion to go out.

'Walk.' Her surroundings were unfamiliar, and thus she ruled out the names of a few packs she had visited a long time back.

'Stop ordering me.'

'Don't use that tone on me.' He warned her.

'I'll use whatever I want to.' She stuck up her chin stubbornly, well aware of the fact that the Alpha of the nameless pack was getting riled up with every word she spoke.

'Then I guess I'll just leave you in the cell.' Daria found it funny that

'Why don't you? It's not like I'm getting a lot of privileges anyways.'

'You aren't a prisoner yet, just an unwanted guest.'

'You kidnapped me, not the other way round.' Her sassy snap momentarily let a shadow of an amused smile creep onto Emerson's face.

'I didn't really have a choice, my wolf seems to be attached to you for some unknown reason. He wasn't satisfied with me just keeping an eye on you.' He shrugged as they continued to walk around. The territory wasn't as bad as Daria's initial thought, some parts could even be called beautiful.

'Keeping an eye on who?' She raised an eyebrow.

'I-Uh- I meant that he wouldn't have allowed you to be kept out of my sight.' He pushed a branch away from his face which had been hovering too close to Daria's face.

'I see.' She narrows he eyes distrustfully. 'When was the first time you saw me?'

'The day I went to attack your pack.' His lie was missed as Daria cried out outraged, he had gone to mess with her pack and she was strolling through the grounds with him.

'How dare you, are they fine? Or did your monstrous heart destroy them?' She spat angrily.

'Not a lot of faith in your members?' He cocked an eyebrow.

'They play fair, I don't know which cheap tricks you have stored up your sleeves.' A lake appeared in front of them, the way the water sparkled in front of their naked eyes and the reflection of all the trees around it made it very inviting.

'You judge people based on their behaviour towards you. I'm a fair man, I don't need anything to make me win but the sheer strength and support of my pack.' He sneered.

'That's hard to believe.'

'I'm not here to convince you.' All emotions were wiped off his face, it was suddenly a clean slate.

If this was the last time Daria was being out for a long time, she thought that it was necessary to enjoy the feel of fresh air, so she sat down and to her surprise her mate didn't object. Instead he too sat down staring straight ahead.

'Maybe he isn't a complete arsehole, by a very minuscule amount I would say he's normal.' Daria spoke, directing this message directly to her wolf, but in reply she felt empty.

'What are those tattoos about?' He asked, she had noticed his interest in them a long time ago. Daria touched them and shrugged.

'Nothing important.' She lied. Those were the marks of a long lasting family tradition, a tattoo one got when they turned of age, a symbol of unity, love and a promise that no matter what, they would always fight for each other. At that moment, that was everything Daria was seeking, and while it made her homesick, it also gave her hope.


A little more of Alpha Emerson in this chapter for y'all!


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