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'You committed a grave crime and for that you will be punished as required. Today, the entire pack will look on as this offender gets what she deserves for her sin.' Emerson ordered her through clenched teeth. 'Confess your crime.'

Irrespective to what everyone thought, a respected Alpha could not make his decisions alone. The final decision may have rested in his hands, but the voice of his pack members spoke clearly and harming a minor was one of the greater offences for which they wanted justice. Thus Daria was brought in front of them for a trial, all evidences would be placed forward with a punishment ready at hand.

'I didn't commit one.' Daria said confidently, her eyes not wandering for even a millisecond at the fear of looking guilty.

'Do not lie, you have no alibi, no proof.'

'I was with Roman Wilde, my keeper on that day as I was supposed to be. He barely left me for a minute in the clearing alone, but I don't remember anything, I had fainted.' She knew that all that she was stating was pointless, no one would take her word for anything she said, but she had to try. Not because she wanted to keep a reputation for her mate, but because she was incapable of such cruelty and it was out of her character to hurt someone who did nothing to her.

'Roman Wilde denies your claim, and a pack members word is taken over a prisoner.' The leaves rustling on the ground, the strong gusts of wind and the low whistling sound was providing a dramatic background that suited the scene perfectly. While usually most animals kept away from werewolf packs, that day there were few who were sitting on the branches, overlooking the clearing.

'So my position as a Luna doesn't help?'  The entire pack who were unaware of her status gasped, whether it was because of betrayal, shock or both, no one knew.

'You are no ones Luna, nor do you have a mate.' His words didn't hurt her anymore, she realised that she didn't care about him anymore than she cared about a rock fallen on the ground.

'Yes, I don't have a mate, mine died the minute he treated me like shit, but my responsibilities and powers can't be taken away.' She argued vehemently.

'You never had them!' He roared.

'That's a lie. I had them since the day I was born. Tell me, why didn't I run?' She enquired.

'You realised that you would have been caught.'

'Did I not tell you the last time that I wouldn't run till I was assured of my freedom?'

'People do stupid things in their madness, that's how you attacked a young, innocent girl!' He roared.

'You are crazy.' Daria laughed in disbelief. 'I passed out as soon as Roman left, that's how he found me when he came back. He is lying.' She hissed angrily. 'If you go as far as to touch me, I will not be held responsible for my actions.'

'So who should I hold responsible? Which innocent person do you want me to blame for you!' He growled. 'Tie her!'

His order to his men around didn't go unheard and a group of four surged forward to tie Daria up. She struggled against them and bit the hand of the ginger haired boy closest to her, holding another man's hair tightly. Everyone was trying to make out what was happening, the general audience was looking at the she-wolf as she fought. Her t-shirt was ripped off her back, only her front was covered with the scraps of cloth as she was made to kneel.

Her hands were secured tightly to the two rods firmly attached to the ground, her body was already aching with the effort of staying put.

'Twenty-five whips.' Emerson Cardin ordered his men, his voice shook, he was after all the reason pain was being inflicted on the person he was supposed to protect, with his every breath. It was usually the job of the Alpha, and Daria thought that he was a coward for not doing it himself.

Was he afraid that his hands would shake?

'One!' The crack of the whip on Daria's back made her want to crumple into a human ball, but she couldn't. A cry of pain escaped her lips, the sounds reverberated throughout the clearing and the people were caught between letting out outraged cries for their possible leader, and cheering for the punishment of her crimes.

'Two!' The second whip was lighter than the first, but the third, fourth and fifth rained down on her back consecutively. She involuntarily arched her back inwards, trying to escape the thin line of the whip, but it only made the impact sting more.

Daria looked down making the tears falling in a steady stream. They could no more be willed away, because all she could focus on was not letting it take her dignity away, if she lost her concentration then she may have begged to the monsters around her.

'Thirteen!' Emerson flinched, a low guttural growl emitted from the base of his throat. Daria's wolf let out a cry for help, a distressed signal which he could not resist responding to. She pulled her body away, and the sixteenth stroke hit her shoulders. She was unaccustomed to the pain on the new spot.

His mates groans of pain was hitting Emerson's eardrums like a sledgehammer, but he couldn't stop the punishment, he couldn't show himself weak. This was what he was afraid of, she would weaken him without ever realising, and then his fate would be the same as his father and uncle. Dead.

Daria and Emerson were pretty similar, they both let their paranoia of the past get to them easily. Daria's fear left her hurt, and Emerson's fear caused him heartbreak and the woman he was supposed to protect injured.

Destruction occurred in many places, but their choices caused the worst one, the breaking down of the blood pumping organ, it was a surprise that they were still alive.

'Twenty-five!' With a final harsh stroke, the man holding the whip stepped away. Daria's bloody back was visible for everyone to see. She was only partly conscious by the time Emerson ran to her side and gathered her into his arms.


It's sad when offenders don't get punished for serious crimes, but it's as bad when an innocent gets punished for what he/she never did :(

On a scale of one to ten, how jumbled has this chapter got your feelings?

Thank you to all my exam well wishers(I don't think that makes sense), it is much needed XD

Chapter dedication to @Yashika55 :)

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