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The door opened and she struggled to get onto her feet, the iron chains that were meant to keep her in place strained as she applied her strength and moved them around.

'Daria.' Roman's voice took her name and she looked up at the man who was the reason she survived so long. She tried to smile but her face fell when she remembered the state that he was seeing her in, she could see her reflection in his emotional eyes.

'Go away.' But she only felt him shuffle forward cautiously.

'Are you feeling better? And has your wolf made any movement in the last few days?' He asked, because he knew that the pain inflicted by a mate could only cause her to shrink even more into a shell.

'My wolf isn't gone Roman, she is there, probably saving her energy and will power to take down her asshole of a mate, she's keeping her resources stacked up just like a squirrel stores his nuts before winter.'

'Comparing a mighty wolf to a squirrel?' He enquired, cocking an eyebrow.

'In the long hazardous story of life, everything is nothing compared to something else. A wolf and a squirrel are both monsters to the credited weaker, and they are both beautiful to nature aren't they?'

'In their own world? Yes, maybe.' Daria didn't say anything after that, she sat quietly, in deep thought wondering about all the sins she had done in life. The time when she had stolen an apple from the market, not because she didn't have money but because she wanted to feel like Aladin, and another time when she wanted to really go out but her parents wouldn't allow her she had lied and slipped out carefully in the darkness of the night.

'There is another Alpha dropping in this afternoon, so I may not be able to visit you again for a while, is there anything you need?'

'Not at the moment, thanks.' Daria thanked him and he slipped put of the room quietly, the soft click of the door closing hadn't occurred.

There was only silence all around as usual for Daria, she closed her eyes and peacefully slept with her head against the walls. Or atleast she tried to as the horrid images of her nightmare marked her formerly innocent mind.


'Woah.' Her body went on high alert as soon as the intruder stumbled into the room with a dazed expression on his handsome face. He pushed his dark hair away from his face and sent a wary Daria an award winning smile, but that soon turned into an angry frown as he saw the condition she was kept in.

'Have you done someone in this pack that was wrong?' Were the first few words out of his mouth. He crouched down towards Daria, picking up a chain cautiously. It was one of the few chains that weren't tightly wound around her, so Daria merely cocked her head to the side wordlessly.

'Nothing.' She spoke clearly, proud that there wasn't an ounce of fear that was noticeable in her words. The man mimicked her head movement and smiled pleasantly, forming quite the prominent dimple on his cheek.

'So you're trapped her without any reason?'

'I want to be free, he thought differently.' Her eyes flashed momentarily.

'He, as in your Alpha?' Daria nodded. The stranger stood up quickly, the corner of his lip scraping against a silver panel kept above for protection.

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