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4 Years Later

'Mother!' She exclaimed, looking surprised to see her mother peep out of the window when she was bidding her male friend goodbye.

Daria had always been close to her mother, despite her sometimes out of age behaviour, she was tolerated by all her family members because she knew just when to turn the protective Mama Wolf role on.

But that did not make her spying on her youngest daughter alright, and thus Daria stood there scowling at the lady who had a non-apologetic look plastered on her face.

'What? A lady needs some entertainment Ri, I didn't carry you in my stomach for nine months for no reason.' She huffed.

'Mother! She gasped. 'You're so rude.'

'I may be darling, but haven't you heard about tough love?'

'I'm sure making a child doubt their existence doesn't come under tough love.' Daria said in a false sad tone, well aware that her mother was only joking, but Lisa was a sweet woman who couldn't see anybody's pain.

She was the pack healer and believed that it wasn't possible to yourself heal someone who you had hurt, and that they would find someone else to tend for their wounds.

'I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean that!' She wrapped a warm, soft hand around her daughters shoulder. 'But I do want to know who that handsome young man was, your friend, or maybe something mo-'

'You didn't recognise him?' She exclaimed excitedly, cutting off her mothers pointless implications.

Everyone knew that once a mate came along there was no pull stronger, you wouldn't be able to love anyone but him or her. When your eyes focuses on them, they would never become unfocused or rather they would stay fixated on them somehow for eternity. Daria believed in the concept of one true mate as much as the next wolf, there were some that claimed that a mate wasn't really needed for one to function, but the packs usually dubbed such people as crazy.

'No I did not.' Her mother smiled at her daughters glowing face.

'That was Christopher Murray.' Daria threw her arms up in the air, her mothers eyes lit up and she stood up from the chair that she had barely lowered herself into.

'Why, then we must call him home for dinner if he's in town, Raya would be excited to see her childhood best friend back from wherever he had disappeared.' Her noted mused over the thought, her mind already overdrive with the things she would attempt to cook for the guest.

'Or extremely angry.' Daria countered her mothers scenario as she shooed her away from the scene, not liking the negative opinion.

Her mother had unknowingly opened her mind link, at least to the whole family and she soon felt her older sisters rage.

'He is not welcome in my house, and he is not going to eat our food.' Raya projected through the mind link almost instantly and Daria blocked it off so that she didn't have to hear all the yelling going on.

She left the room quietly looked at the glowing dials of the alarm clock that stood in a stark contrast from the area it was placed in. It was too late to go to Alan's place, so she would have to settle with the popcorn her mother had made and a nice romantic comedy that would make her cry.

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