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'What is this place?' Daria asked curiously as they stopped in front of a huge house where people were giggling and playing around. She flexed her toes and wiggled them because the mud and rainwater mixture stuck between her fingers felt weird.

'The pack house.' He replied, dragging her into the house with a firm grip on her arm. She shrugged his hands off her and ignored his warning growl, stepping in on her own.

'Who is she, Alpha?' A red haired girl took a step forward in their direction, her hands lifting forward for a handshake. 

'She's dangerous Ophelia, stay away from her.' Emerson Cardin announced, aware that everyone present could clearly hear him. Daria wanted to scoff out loud, wondering what damage could she do to anyone with her hands tightly bound, but she didn't want to undermine her strength.

He turned towards the others and looked at each in the eye with an emotionless expression covering his face. 'All of you are hereby banned from the right wing of the second floor, anybody going there will face serious repercussions unless and until ordered by me. Is it clear?'

A monotonous "yes" rang through the hallway. All the eyes trained on Daria made her feel uncomfortable, especially since her clothing was practically see through and her inner wear had shredded into pieces so she had none.

All of them shuffled away and the Alpha caught hold of Daria's upper arm lightly, dragging her along till the place where he had warned people to stay away from arrived. The sound of the rain pouring onto the roof was comforting to her.

There was a pregnant pause, Emerson continued to stare at her with a blank expression that gave nothing away. She wanted to know what he was thinking, to get some sort of insight as to what he had planned for her, but it was impossible. While Daria stood slightly lost in her thoughts, the door behind them clicked open and it was swung forward.

'The room is ready Alpha.' Another tall man exited the door, his head giving a small bow.

'Thank you, you may leave.' The Alpha ordered, Daria was surprised at his display of basic manners and it was understandable because the way he treated her was definitely lesser than satisfactory.

The man vanished from sight and Daria peeked over the Alpha's shoulders to see the room where she was going to stay, but she promised herself and her wolf that it would only be for a short while.

The walls were painted a plain white colour, and something hovering in the air gave off a shiny glint. The room wasn't dirty, but it made the fear of being trapped within four walls rise up in her mind to the point where she already felt like clawing her throat.

'I'm not staying here.' She turned her head away from her mate.

'You don't have an option.' His whiskey coloured eyes flashed in anger, scanning the room. 'It's a perfectly decent room, above average even for a prisoner.'

'I'd rather be put in a cell than this.' The light behind them flickered once, which made her wonder how long the electricity would hold with the oncoming storm outside.

'Foolish female, I'm giving you more than you deserve.'

'But I don't want to accept this charitable behaviour of yours. I'm claustrophobic and this room might as well be my death sentence.' He scrutinized her carefully for a while, unsure about her level of truthfulness.

'Look up.' He ordered her, and she did.

The ceiling had a small window on the top, even though at that moment it was sealed shut due to the heavy rain. She breathed a sigh of relief, realising that it was foolish of them because she could easily fit through the hole but also because it was enough to not make her feel as closed up as before.

'Why is it closed?'

'It's raining.' He said slowly, which made her feel like he was demeaning her.

'I understand that, but there seems to be some sort of covering redirecting the flow of the rainwater.'

'The shade.'

'Yes, that's what I meant.'

'There will still be leakage, this place will turn into a pool eventually with the intensity.' Daria nodded her head.

'So where are you going to force me to stay until then.'

'Depends, what do you prefer? The jail or the dungeon?' He gave his mate a choice, but both weren't particularly appealing. Her fingernails dug into her soft palm as she clenched her fists out of frustration.

'Jail.' He lead her down, walking with powerful strides. She struggled to keep up with him, her shorter legs barely any match for his walking speed.

Five minutes later Daria had either become faster, or by some miracle Alpha Emerson Cardin had slowed down. She didn't say anything, not a word as he looked back to check on her slyly, in a manner what he thought was inconspicuous.

The man from earlier, the one with the beautiful pebble grey eyes who had prepared the room above stood beside an empty jail, keys dangling from a loop on his waist.

It would be fairly easy to snatch them if he ever fell asleep on duty, so Daria could only hope that he was a lazy arse of a man. But his sharp, alert look said the opposite. She crossed her arms and looked around.

Emerson Cardin gave one last look of warning to Daria, stepping close and breathing onto her face, pulling her behind the barred door.

'Don't try any stunts over here, it's not going to work.'

'Keep your distance from me.' She warned him. 'I'm not afraid to bite.' She clacked her teeth together in a taunting manner.

'Nor am I, Daria.' He licked his chapped lips, the same lips from where her name had escaped in a strong tremor.

Daria knew that one thing was sure, his wolf had a soft spot for her somewhere and she needed to learn how to use it to her advantage.

He rose his eyebrows and backed away into the darkness of the hallway that encased him, but his scent still lingered around the area, disrupted only by the man who had locked her away safely.

He ran his hand through his caramel coloured mop of hair, and sat onto a metal chair close by. His curved nose was certainly a distinguishing feature on him, making him look friendlier than he probably was.

Daria rethought her tactic. Extra friendly over cold and aloof may have seemed suspicious, but people often told her that she looked like a cheery soul, and while they weren't far away from the truth, they hadn't experienced the temper tantrums that she threw as a freshly puberty struck teenager.

She decided she knew what to do.

So what did she chose to do?
And if you were Daria what would you have found more profitable?

We are now #66 in werewolf :)


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