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'I still don't know why someone would be out to get you, I mean, you're like ugly.' Raya commented playfully, though Daria knew that she was the one who worried about her the most.

They had absolutely no lead on the wolf that almost followed her back home, all they knew was his fur colour and the faint scent that he left behind.

Raya looked at her sister who looked scared about the danger lurking over their heads. Though younger, her sister was one of the bravest people ever so her reaction to the scare seemed a little off.

'It is not funny Raya, someone could have taken your sister away from you.' Their mother admonished and Raya nodded her head.

'I'll just taked Daria to the room, there is something that I need an opinion on as soon as possible. We will be back.' Saying that Raya dragged the mentioned person straight to her bedroom and locked the door.

'Spill.' Raya ordered, her piercing stare was unnerving the poor werewolf on the receiving end.

'Milk?' Daria asked, her eyes flashing only briefly with shock.

'Don't try to be funny Ria, I may not be a very observant person most of the times, but for my baby sister I'm ready to be her armour at every stage.'

'You make my heart melt!' Came the reply, and slowly she slunk to the floor in a manner that would depict a melting candle. She made no effort to stand up and merely wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her chin on the same. Raya sat beside her, in nearly the same position with her eyes flickering towards her sister.

'What's happening Ria?'

'I think that someone is stalking me.'

'That's only but obvious.' Raya commented.

'No, this isn't the first time I've felt this. I feel like someone has been tracking my movements in the house but I haven't said anything because so far I felt like it was only an illusion. But after yesterday.' Daria trailed off, looking deep in thought.

She was wondering about whether she should tell her sister about the mate theory, but then decided against it knowing that she would rubbish her alarm.

'It's nothing, I've just been feeling unwell.' Daria forced a smile.

'Okay, take some rest. I'll go and see whether Alpha and dad have come back from their expedition.' She left the room.

All the extra security around their house, mainly the three guards stationed outside made Daria feel like she would be unable to use her sixth sense.

Her door bell rang and she ran down to greet the newcomer, who by the scent she had figured out that it was Alan, a close friend who had expressed major concern when he heard of the events that had occurred. All over text, but she knew that if he could speak, he would, but there were only two people to whom he could speak to, out of which one was dead.

'Alan!' She threw her arms around him and he smiled at her happily, hugging her back. She pulled him to the living room and sat down on the floor with her legs crossed.

Where are the flowers?

He typed out on his cell and flashed the screen of his phone to Daria, who stuck the tip of her tongue out lightly.

'They are in the backyard.' She informed him and stood up to make her way towards the miniature garden.

Alan caught her left leg before she could walk away and shook his head with an angry frown, typing out a reply with one hand.

Are you crazy? Don't you want to live any longer? You were just attacked!

She just rolled her eyes. 'I wasn't attacked Alan, I was chased. And ofcourse I want to live but the backyard is a part of the house and is under guard by a few of the Alpha's men.' She reassured him.

Are you sure?

She took the phone and instead of verbally telling him the reply she laughed and replied using the little gadget that was his salvation.


She skipped along to the yard and made a motion to the guard who was standing that she was going outside. He nodded back and his eyes unfocused a little in the typical manner when someone was mind linking.

She stood in her back yard, smiling at the fond memories running through her mind. She made her way towards the pots of roses that were in their full bloom, Alan's mother loved them and every year on her birthday the they made sure that she was given enough to make her whole house smell of them for a month.

Her dark hair flowed slightly in the wind, causing knots to form which would later be a pain to comb though.

A crunch close by put her on attention and she took a step back, tumbling backwards as her foot got caught on a rock. Instead of hurting herself on the rocky group she was caught and had something blind her almost in a single instance.

She heard her towns warning bells ring, the ones that alerted everybody that there was danger lurking by, and she had been tangled up in it deeper than anyone else in her pack.


I know that this chapter is a little short and boring, but it was vital to the transition so bear with me.

So a new very important character is going to be introduced in the next chapter, and I don't think anybody all have a problem in guessing who it is. XD

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