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'Let me go, please!'  Daria pleaded as soon as a hand caught hold of her arm. The hold was firm but sort of gentle, it still hurt, quite a lot that too. But there was something about the scent that felt familiar, felt like home.

Her sleeping wolf awakened inside her and caused Daria a little pain as the two sides fought for control. Without knowing anything about the situation Daria refused to let her inner wolf out and would endure pain if that's what her survival instinct commanded.

'Leave me.' Daria pleaded, more because it was expected for her to he petrified. She was scared, ofcourse she was. She had no vision as she was blinded by a sack, and nor did she have the ability to use her hands which were secured, so it was only natural that her brain sent signals of distress.

'Shhhh.' A voice hushed her, a voice so hoarse that Daria wondered how ling it had been since he drank water.

'Leave me! What do you want?'

'Your silence.' The voice replied, a little clearer now.

A shock rippled through her body when her bare hands came in contact which features that could be identified as the sharp curve of a nose and a pair of soft chapped lips.

Her wolf howled from within and she simultaneously groaned softly, the struggle was harder now and her wolf finally took over, tearing the loosely bound ropes from around her hand.

The shift was instantaneous and it was only moments before a large black wolf stood tall and proud, looking straight into the eyes of her newly found mate.

Daria's human form was merely a spectator by then, looking at the scene quietly with mixed feelings about the tall brown eyed man standing with flashing eyes. He looked unamused, his entire body shook and he shifted into his black wolf who was huge.

The male wolf circled the female, and nudged her body with his long snout. He poked her but she didn't feel like it was very friendly. Her pushed her again and this time she stumbled back due to the sheer force that he had used.

He was an Alpha, that much was definitely clear. His body language was built in a way that screamed power and commanded respect. The curve of his tail was barely noticeable, but Daria's sharp eyes caught onto that rare feature that wasn't usually present. A huge variety of wolves stoof ready behind their leader, with their shining dark eyes trained on Daria.

At that moment he was a hunter and she was the prey who would have to fight back.

She didn't have much choice, and with a lot of embarrassment she shifted back into her human form, giving up way to soon to prove herself strong. But her wolf was unsure of how to react in the presence of her soul mate, the man who would have to protect he or die trying.

Speaking from both her and her wolf's side, Daria could safely claim that she didn't need someone else to stand up for her and fight, but in the natural animal instinct she had no choice.

She curled into a tight ball, with only her bare back on display, a short while later a blanket was thrown over her lying form.

'Stand up wolf, make sure you are covered completely though. We do not tolerate nudity of people like you.' Her mate spoke, his voice was masked with a strong exterior, but there was uncertainty lurking behind.

'Are you not going to refer to me as what I am to you? Your mate.' Daria asked bravely. The male's eyes flashed and a low guttural growl built up from deep within, but she did not flinch.

'Talk with respect, you are not my mate until proven worthy.' He spoke one thing, but his muscles, which was straining with the effort of holding him back told another story.

'I am your mate, whether you like it or not.' She paused, giving him one good look. 'Everyone can see that.'

'You're playing with fire, be careful and don't go too close or else it will burn you, mate.' His acceptance cause relief amongst the other wolves that surrounded them, that much was clear. It was almost as if they were waiting for their Alpha to claim the truth.

But Daria's reaction was the opposite. She didn't like the way he disrespected the word "mate" by putting so much scorn into it that a person could feel it miles away.

'I don't care much for your tone.' She voiced her concern.

'And I don't care much for you.' He smiled a devilish smile.

'Then why did you take the effort to abduct me?' She asked, anger bubbling under the surface. No one could treat her like that, whether he was an arsehole of a mate or not.

'I've been observing you and you are quite the entertainment provider, so I thought I'd keep you around for a while.' He crossed his arms as she wrapped the cloth tighter around her.

'As if I'm going I stay.' The low remark passed by Daria didn't escape anyone's ears and she turned in the blink of an eye, pouncing on the wolf closest to her. Her lithe body transformed mid attack into her animal form. She used her sharp canines to bite into the soft flesh of her opponent.

A loud howl filled with agony echoed through the clearing and each and every wolf pounced onto Daria who darted away from the spot.

Unfortunately a blonde wolf stood alert and while she thought she had escaped a majority of the wolves, she was attacked, a firm paw placed over her neck.

'Leave her.' The Alpha roared, his eyes flashing between a deep hellish black and his natural colour. The blonde immediately obliged, leaving a spluttering Daria in her wolf form.

She shifted back and crouched in the same defence position as before, and this time the protection of a blanket wasn't bestowed upon her. She looked up from the corner of her eye, and gently wrapped one of her hands around her neck.

'Stand up.' He ordered.

'Can I get a cover?'

'You lost that chance.' His eyes scanned the clearing and hers followed his. Each of his entourage member was a male, and while most averted their eyes, some made her feel lower than dirt.

For someone who was protected all their life, she thought it was utterly humiliating and sent a look of despair towards whoever looked even slightly pitiful.

'Up!' His voice rung again and she picked herself up with a lot of difficulty. 'I don't need a weakling to stand by my side, I'll rule alone and live alone.' He quietly whispered into her ear, so close that his teeth lightly grazed her ear, making a shiver run up her spine.


#78 in werewolf! Wohooooo

That's the introduction of The Alpha Male, your thoughts?

Also, please note, every werewolf story differs and in this one there is no such thing as 'rejection', you may not accept him or her but the bond does not break, unless one of the pair is dead.

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