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A long hour had passed since the pair of werewolves had settled down onto the moist grass. Neither of them had said anything, but instead tried to absorb all the positive energies that the calm surroundings had offered.

The lingering petrichor was was a smell that Daria loved with all her heart, and although she did not know, Alpha Emerson Cardin too had a similar fondness for it.

'Shift into your wolf if you want. You have five minutes.' He informed her.

'I don't want to.' She lied once again, her mouth spilling words that she wished she never had to say.

'Don't act stubborn, if you think that this is going to be a daily occurrence then you're sorely mistaken.' He let her know.

'Don't worry, I still think you're an arsehole.'

'Good.' His eyes had darkened in mild anger, but the rest of him was still as frigid as a stone. 'Then it's time to settle you into your room.'

Emerson caught hold of his mates wrist and pulled her up, ignoring the feeling of lust that spiked up his body, with such a minimal amount of touching.

The pathway that led to the pack house was full of people of all ages. Just like Daria's first day, they all turned towards her and unconsciously shuffled away from her lithe form, remembering their Alpha's warning. The younger children had formed a train like chain and starting to walk behind them curiously, giggling and laughing at the thought of doing something forbidden.

Their movements weren't as inconspicuous as they thought, and one stern look from their Alpha had them scurrying away on their short legs.

Daria loved children, so seeing them being taken away from her because she was "dangerous" made her frown unhappily. She started to hum a soft tune as she continued to walk, suddenly thrown into her own day dreamland.

She was brought out of it only when she walked into a wall, or so she thought it was, unthough the hard planes didn't quite match the ones back at her house. She blinked once, and then again, realising that she was standing firmly against made her cheeks acquire a rosy blush.

'Sorry.' She mumbled out an apology to Emerson who didn't turn back.

The chains were once again fastened on her hands and ankles, and he left the room immediately, the clicking of the lock was picked up by Daria's heightened senses.

Daria didn't know what to think of the strange wolf's behaviour, it was unlike any man's who she had encountered before.

'People weren't lying when they said that the mate bond is beyond understanding.' Daria thought.

Two hours passed by.

Her head was tilted upwards and she started to feel breathless, the room wasn't completely closed up, and nor was there a huge crowd. But even the space provided by the room wasn't enough for her as the loneliness creeped onto her mind.

In the last month or two she had become so used to Roman's presence that not having him around frightened her. She didn't want to be independent on anybody, especially not on someone from his pack, but her emotions were almost impossible to reverse.

Five hours passed by.

She could hear sounds from the pack house, somewhere a couple were getting cosy and sweet talking each other, whereas in another room two friends were having a fight, it sounded like a bad one. 

Maybe Emerson Cardin was using the seclusion as a punishment, the only question was, what was it for?

She wondered if she hadn't suffered enough. Another hour later she finally heard footsteps coming in her direction, they were hard thuds on the floor.

'Daria.' Roman looked flustered as he walked through the door, his cheeks pink.

'Hi.' Daria greeted him in a soft voice.

'So, what did you do all day? I went to the prison cell and realised that Alpha told me that you're going to be shifted.' He rubbed his earlobe.

'Where were you all day?' She stood up from her little spot on the ground.

'Uh-I had some work to do, family stuff.' He smiled.

'Oh, that's cool. I miss my family.' A loud sigh emitted from the small made woman's mouth.

'Don't do this, now I'm feeling guilty.'

'Why?' His dark eyes looked at her ashamed.

'Because you are away from your family and I just met mine.' His admission made Daria sad at first, although it was irrational.

'So am I supposed to say, I don't miss my family?' She raised her right arched eyebrow.

'I didn't say that, but, you know...' He trailed off, uncertain as to what would be the correct sentence to use.

'Relax, I'm just pulling your leg. I too, get extremely uncomfortable in such situations.' She cracked a smile.

'Woah, for a minute I thought I was going to have to fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness.' He pretended to wipe sweat off his forehead.

'Well, you can still do that. I won't stop you.'

'No thanks, I'm good.' Daria giggled at his reluctance. Something about that day had Daria smiling, whether it was the serene surroundings she had sat in before or the happiness of seeing someone she liked after so long, she didn't know.



Woah woah woah, Alpha Male is so close to getting 10K reads!

I know that this chapter was (super) short, but it conveyed all the information needed for a healthy future that's not jumbled and murky.

So lets call this the "Transition" chapter *smiles sweetly*

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