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Thoughts of the letter she wrote to Roman, the one that was safely tucked under a small blanket that Emerson had provided to her, had been swimming in her mind. As soon as she had completed writing it, the rude guard had appeared to "take her for a walk", a new part of her daily routine.

Daria kicked a pebble away from her path, following it till the place it rested a feet away before again setting it into motion again.

'Can you stop doing that.' Vincent muttered angrily, placing his foot over the small pebble that was providing entertainment to Daria.

'Move your foot, immediately.' She scowled at him.

'Absolutely not, this is distracting and I'm in charge over here, so I suggest you listen to me.' Daria found him extremely hilarious, and let him know that by emitting a loud laugh.

'In charge? That's the biggest joke I've heard in a while.' She commented.

'That's sad, the biggest joke I've heard so far is the story of your life, funny no?' He smirked, his eyes full of victory. Daria racked her brain to come up with an insult that would make Raya, her acid-tongue sister proud, but unfortunately she was stuck.

'Well you're a dog.' Her desperate reply made him chuckle.

'Bow bow, aren't we all?'  He winked. A shuffle from the trees made Vincent push Daria behind his back and take a fighting stance. She tried to inconspicuously slink away, but the strong resonating voice made her pause.

'Don't even try.' Emerson emerged, his upper body bare of any cloth, which expose him to the searching eyes of his mate. His strong body was beautiful, a body that any female would be proud to see on her man. But Daria knew that such thoughts in her mind towards this particular werewolf was meant to be forbidden, a sin.

'Alpha!' Vincent exclaimed, relaxing.

'You may go back to the pack house, I'll handle her from here.' Emerson ordered his trusted guard.

'I'm not a toy or a possession for you to handle and pass around.' She felt offended, and let it be known to the people present.

'Who said anything about passing around? I don't share what's mine.' Daria breath caught in her throat, his words sent a chilly shiver and she bit her lower lip nervously. 'I meant that, you, you're my prisoner and-' He seemed lost for words.

'Go back now.' He ordered Vincent, who took off speedily.

'What were you going to say Emerson?' Her voice spoke in subdued tones, barely above a few decibels. 'Isn't there an explanation you should be giving me for that shocking claim?' There was a teasing undertone to her question.

'For some unfanthomable reason, you expect things from me-' He wa cut off.

'Yes, for example an apology.' The smile she gave him was extremely sweet and artificial.  He looked up surprised at her snappy comment and shrugged.

'Things that I cannot give you.' He replied.

'It's really not that tough you know, I can teach you if you wish.' She offered.

'Trying to act smart are you?'

'I don't have to act smart, unlike some people I know.' Daria casually commented, her natural and strongest defense mechanism was without doubt her tongue. And not only in words.

'You know a lot of people, and you also seem to he getting a little too comfortable with everyone around you, need I remind you what happened-'

'You need not. Rom-'

'You stay away from him.' Emerson warned her, his eyes had started to darken slightly. Daria was getting tired of his show of possesiveness, he needed to get his priorities sorted out because without them he was going to be a kosṭ man.

'The only right you can ever have over me is that of a mate, so tell me Alpha Emerson Cardin.' She took a deep breath, and then released it.

'What do you want me to tell you.' He asked with a blank expression.

'Tell me that you're attracted to me, admit that you want me as much as our wolves want each other.' She looked straight into his beautiful whiskey coloured eyes. The brown and gold flecks that mingled together into a swirly whirlpool captivated her every time.

'But it's not true!' His frustration was rising, and he was afraid that in a moment of weakness the wrong words would tumble out of his mouth.

'You know it is!' Daria refused to take 'no' as an answer.

'I want you.' The voice was coated with emotions, raw and pure. 'I want to be with you, I need to wake up next to you and I want your limbs entangled with mine for eternity.'

Daria was speechless, she knew that it was time she said something, anything but she didn't have any words ready. She was unprepared.

'Don't have anything to say now, do you?' He raised his eyebrows, folding his arms.

'Do you mean it?' She said quietly, her voice coming out in a small whisper. She knew that trusting him would be stupid and foolish, and so far she had no idea whether or not they were compatible, but her hope never died, it stayed alive with the presence of the animal in her. 'Is that really what you wish for?'

'No.' With those two letters, she shattered all over again. But the problem was, he did. Each word that spilled from his mouth was completely true, but he just could not admit that to her. His mate.


Am I making it difficult for y'all to decide who to root for? Comment the name of the ship you support.

I know it's not Tuesday yet, but I (surprisingly) had an update ready, and thought why not? Since I have never given all of you an early or extra update till now, here you go!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, wait around till Tuesday to see what happens next!

Lots of love from me <3
(P.s. A big thank you for the #25 in werewolf!)

Chapter dedication to @Janellemashiah :)

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