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Daria's eyes fluttered opened and she was met with white walls and a consistent beeping sound. Her arm felt stiff and that's when she reading that she was connected to an IV tube, and next to the bag of fluid was a heart monitor that produced the sound. She looked at it fascinated, as the colourful lines made different patterns.

A sneezing sound made her aware of another person present in the room. Her head swirled in that direction and she saw Emerson sitting on a chair with a dazed expression on his face.

'He looks so adorable.' Daria thought. 'Did he stay by my side out of worry?' She wondered.

'You're finally awake, looks like you got a good amount of rest.' He commented, walking near the bed.

'What happened?' She asked him curiously.

'You attacked a young girl and fainted.' Daria frowned.

'I didn't attack anybody.' She defended herself, completely unaware of what he was saying. Why would she want to attack someone she probably didn't even know?

'Playing dumb isn't going to help you Daria Kanos, all it's going to do is increase your punishment.' He threatened her.

'I didn't attack anybody.'

'Then explain why Eliza was lying injured next to you.' He demanded.

'Eliza? Is alright? I-I don't- I felt dizzy and passed out, Roman saw me fal-' She adored the kid who been so sweet to her, she couldn't dream of ever hurting her.

'Don't bring Roman Wilde into this, he was with his mate. He will get his due punishment for leaving you unguarded, but he won't be helping you cover up your craziness.'

'He was with his mate, and so was I. But she got angry and ran-' Daria felt a pain shoot up the back of her neck that targeted her head. She flinched, and moved her head trying to get rid of the uncomfortable throb. 'She ran, and Roman went to follow her and at the same time I fainted, he saw me fall.'

'This proves that you're lying.' He said, a finality in his tone. He pinched the bride of his nose and looked at his mate with an expression of pure hate.

'How does that prove anything?'

'Because Roman told me what actually happened, and in his version you were completely fine, you seemed hyper even he claimed.'


'Thank god that you're alright.' Roman sighed, not moving an inch from the door. Daria had requested Emerson to let her talk to Roman one last time before he decided her fate, because there were some things that you can't escape.

'Why are you lying to him?' She asked him straight out, not wanting to beat around the bush. If he had changed the story to make her seem guilty, she wanted to know why, and then she wanted him to realise his mistake and rectify it.

'Kara wasn't around anyone else at that moment Daria, she was upset that you and I were so close, so she wanted some quiet. I can't let her fall.' He muttered, and Daria couldn't make out what exactly was he trying to say. He seemed delirious, confused about what was happening.

'She, the mate who rejected you?But it's alright that I fall? I never thought you would be so selfish Roman. I'm not asking you to lie, I'm begging you to tell the truth.' She pleaded.

'I- I want to, but I can't let her-' He let out a frustrated sigh, pushing his hair behind. 'I knew Emerson wouldn't tolerate his pack members getting hurt, he would want to punish the wrong.'

'So this is it then? The end of our friendship, and any trust I had on you.' Daria asked getting angry. 'Why can't you say that all of us were together?'

'I just can't. You don't need to stop trusting me, I will still try to help you.' He offered her apologetically.

The loud sound of a slap was heard, and the bright red hand print on Roman's cheek didn't make it tough to guess who was on the receiving end. Daria's eyes stung, it felt like tiny needles were poking her eyeballs as she kept in those tears.

'I guess I deserved that.' He admitted, touching his cheek.

'Get away from here.'

'Daria listen to me-' He put a hand on her shoulder to stop her from turning away, but the anger and humiliation she felt made her shrug his hands off her and land another tight slap on the same cheek.

'I told you to leave. Now.' She spat angrily.

'I won't go, I care about you Daria, I want to help you.' He tried to convince her.

'You did, you helped me by making me realise that I have absolutely no friend in this pack, everybody is my enemy and I need to treat them so.' Her smile was tight.

'The instinct to protect a mate is too strong to resist.' His reason may have held some value, had Daria experienced what he was saying. Maybe then she would have seen his side of things, but to be honest his actions had no justification. 'Dar-'

'Emerson Cardin.' She yelled. He didn't hear her the first time, but after yelling his name five times he finally caught the strangled, emotionless voice of his mate. He stood by her side, his wolf urging him to show his male dominance to the only threat present. 'Please, I just want to be alone. I'm done talking to him.'

NOT PROOFREAD (again, sorry)

I told you there'd be drama, and hopefully I delivered.

Everything is helter skelter ;)

Since my exams are fast approaching, I don't have a lot of time to write, so from this week updates will only be every Friday :( If I have chapters ready then I'll try giving y'all two updates, but no promises! I hope you understand <3

Chapter dedication to @madeforfiction :)

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