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Daria's slight freedom felt great, and the first thing that she thought of doing was to start training her body to get accustomed to exercise. She had started out easy enough, a few stretches  that made her body unwind itself but there was also a persistent pain present.

She yawned loudly, stretching her arms above her head and feeling a weird satisfaction. A glint of the silver caught Daria's keen eyes, she looked up at the panel lodged into the wall and could almost feel the cogwheels in her head turning.

She ripped a piece of cloth from the material in her t-shirt, that left her sunken stomach exposed. She hadn't been eating since the poison incident as she refused to be tricked again, but that was taking a toll on her health.

She placed the torn part of her t-shirt under her palm first, and touched the panel. She jerked her hand towards her body due to the stinging pain. The material wasn't thick enough to save her from the burns, so she pulled the t-shirt off her head and bundled it into a ball to try again and this time it worked.

Daria grinned and pulled her body up, but when she tried to place her foot she was unable to. She did her best to try and lift her leg high, but being cramped down by chains didn't help her flexibility.  The window was a long way up, and the bland ceiling looked taunting to Daria.

The dark haired werewolf slumped down cross legged on the floor. She didn't know how to proceed forward. Surely there had to be some way to reach there without a ladder.

The glass above was clear enough for a brilliant view of the sky, and the pleasing sounds of birds and other airborne things was nice. She smiled as a small, brown sparrow perched itself at the rim where the metal edge was present. It peered curiously into the room, chirping happily at Daria. She rose her arm high, and hoped that the bird would fly down to her palm, but her wish remained one as he sensed the animal inside her and flew away.

Her ears unknowingly caught a voice and subconsciously tuned into the conversation occurring somewhere in the pack house.

'Don't you think I know that?' The male voice asked.

'You don't! I told you, I can't be yours. I rejected your advances because I don't want to be with you.' An unfamiliar female voice argued back. Daria wore her t-shirt as she continued to listen in.

'I have been waiting for you since so long, all I want is a chance.' He begged.

'You got one and you lost it.' She sounded sure about her decision.

'What chance? You gave me a warning that was completely random, was that a chance?' He asked stunned.

'You lost-'

'You can't lose what you didn't have!' He screamed frustrated.

'I'm your mate. Ofcourse you had me but-' The rest of the conversation had been inaudible to Daria, they probably realised that the whole pack could hear them. And the voice was one that Daria knew very well.

A few minutes later Roman stormed into the door, his eyes blazing with fury. Daria got uo uncertainly and tried to place a comforting hand on his shoulders but he snarled at her.

'I heard you talking to the girl below.' She confessed.

'I'm not surprised.' He gave a bitter laugh. 'Everyone must have heard us.'

'Well, if I could then..' She trailed off. He didn't say anything, but continued to trace patterns on the floor. 'Is that the reason you've been so happy? Because you found your mate?'

'I found out who she was a long time back, but she didn't want to accept me. Our pack had taken over hers, when I first saw her, and she was furious.' He frowned. 'Kara told me that she didn't want me.'

'How long ago was that?'

'Almost a year and a half.' Daria gasped. That would have made his wolf crazy, knowing that she was so close but yet not being able to claim her.

'How did you two resist the mate bond?' Roman shrugged to her question. She knew that prying wasn't good but if she had already breached the borders why not go all the way in?

'S-so what was the argument about?' She tentatively enquired.

'She was asking me if I would be fine with her dating. I was naive enough to believe that she was hanging around with me only because I was her mate.' Daria felt Roman's pain. Even though her own mate didn't treat her well, she got a small amount of satisfaction knowing that atleast he wasn't with someone else, that would have had her absolutely broken and feeling worthless.

Emerson just seemed to despise the entire concept of mates, or a life partner for a matter of fact. Ro had told her that he didn't like his Beta having a mate, but couldn't do anything since it wasn't his life to rule.

Daria looked at him with a pitiful expression, her heart aching for the man who helped her so much. She sat down and bent towards him to lightly kiss his cheek. She wrapped an arm around him tightly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

They were seen as two lost souls bonding with the other, completely unaware about the rising storm that went by the name of Emerson Cardin walking towards them.


#31 in werewolf and 26k reads? Woah, thank you!

Does that count as a cliff-hanger?

I know that this chapter is pretty crappy, I was lost, I genuinely didn't know what to write :o

Chapter dedication to @the-solar-queen for being the first one to guess that Roman's mate was somehow involved and also for being another wonderful supporter :)

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