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'The next time you have a showdown make sure people aren't sleeping around there, will you.' Daria told Emerson sleepily when he arrived the next morning.

'I thought you were sleeping.'

'Your shouting woke me up.' Daria had never been a morning person, so despite the things she had discovered, she didn't want a repeat of the previous night.

'Oh.' He sat down on the chair and it wa only then that Daria realised he had a bunch of files in his hand.

'What's that for?' She asked curiously.

'It's my work.' He flipped open the first blue file and started to read quietly, underlining a few words and crossing out a few others.

'Don't you have a study or something? Maybe a place where you don't have to be in my line of vision? I didn't ask you before, but which room is this?' Daria asked, raising her eyebrows even though she didn't have much trouble guessing since Emerson's scent was on everything she touched.

'It is mine, and I usually use this room for my work too.' He answered her.

'Yours?' Her question was rhetoric, she looked around for signs that could tell her more about the mysterious man in front of her.

'Yes, this is the first place I thought of bringing you and you can stay here till your back heals.'

'I don't want to be here.' She refused his offer that was more like a demand.

'I'm afraid you don't have an option.' He shrugged nonchantantly.

'Where will you stay then?' She refused to let go of the topic.

'You don't need to worry your head about my well-being.' He stood up from the corner cushioned seat, opening the cupboard door with more force than required.

'I'm not. I just don't want you anywhere near me.' She shrugged.

'Is the room next door far enough then?' He rolled his eyes, removing a thick t-shirt and a pair of pants from within the depths of the open drawer.

'Not really.' She frowned.

'That's good then. So much frowning will make those lines permanent.' He said.


'Well, your skin scrunches up and then it stays, I don't know-.'

'No, I meant why are you suddenly being so caring and gentle with me? Why haven't you sent me back to my room yet, the wounds have already closed.' Daria didn't know when to expect what from Alpha Emerson Cardin.

'I-I don't know what you're talking about.' He acted oblivious, arranging his facial features in a way that would make her believe him.

'A few kind words and a faux attitude isn't going to make me magically forget everything that I've gone through in the last few months.' Her spiteful remark got a little on Emerson's nerves.

'Faux? You don't know me, so you can't really be the judge of my character can you?' The wind blowing outside rattled the windows, making Daria jump a little in her place. She thought that she saw a small pebble hit the window sill, but not being sure she let her gaze wander over her mate once again.

'I've seen and heard enough, for me to make whatever assumption I have to.' She let out a short laugh.

'If the world ran on assumptions then fights would be seen at every nook and corner.' Daria scoffed at his reply.

'If the world didn't assume things then we wouldn't have half the things in this world discovered. Do you think scientists work only with facts?' She rose an eyebrow, she was surprised to see Emerson's entire face turn pale. He started to murmur something under his breath that sounded like the alphabets.

Daria was confused at his sudden change in behaviour, and if she was completely honest, then even a little worried. If anything happened to him while she was in the room then all the blame would fall on her, and he looked like he was bordering on a panic attack.

'Emerson.' She called his name, getting up from the bed slowly. She started to sweat a little, and wiped it off her forehead with the sleeve of her t-shirt.

'Emerson breath.' She put a hand on his forehead, pushing his sweaty hair back. He caught her hand and held it tight, taking a deep breath in. He looked conflicted, as if he and his wolf were fighting for some reason. His eyes had already turned extremely dark and when his heart beat stabilised into it's steady thrumming, Daria knew that he was no more in complete control.

She didn't move, but stood as still as a statue. Slowly but surely, the pair of eyes looking at her changed into their normal, whiskey colour, and she felt relieved.

'Thank you.' He shrugged her hand off his shoulder, which shouldn't have hurt her as it was his normal behaviour, but it did.

'Wh-what happened to you?' She asked him cautiously.

'It's none of your business.' He stood up suddenly, someone knocked on the door and Emerson went to check, Daria was irritated to see Vincent glaring at her. 'What do you need?' Emerson asked him with a raised eyebrow, rearranging the papers in his hand.

'The elders are asking for you Alpha, Eliza had woken up from her coma.'

'She was in a coma? I thought you said she was fine!' Daria exclaimed, her heart beat speeding up.

'Don't talk to the Alpha like that!'

'Don't raise your voice at her!'

Vincent and Emerson ordered respectively, they looked at each other and the rude man averted his gaze.

'Sorry Alpha. Eliza woke up an hour ago, she's off all the tubes now that she can breath normally and has agreed to be questioned.' He informed his superior, head low.

'Why am I being informed so late!' He shouted, pulling the superman t-shirt off and slipping into something more formal.

'I asked everybody but no one knew where you were Alpha, your mindlink was blocked off and I hadn't thought of checking this room because you are barely ever here.' He sounded ashamed, but Daria's ears perked up at the new information.

Hadn't Emerson told her that the room was his usual working spot?

Dun dun dunnnnnnn «— for some reason I'm obsessed with this and I don't even know why...


This chapter felt so different to write, probably because it was lighter than usual :o I'm finishing this chapter up at like 6 am and tbh I'm sleepy. So very very sleepy+ it's cold and I saw this really cool(extremely weird) dream, so I didn't feel like getting out of my bed :"


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