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The piping hot plate of macaroni and cheese looked overly tempting to Daria, but to her dismay, that wasn't for her. Her sister sat across the table with a cheeky smile plastered on her face, which frustrated Daria to no end.

'You can share.'

'No can do sweetheart, you lost the bet and I get the food and the priviledge to choose a date for you.' Raya grinned.

'That's my food, you don't even live here anymore!' And that was true, her sister, Raya Kanos had finally decided to put her mate out of his torture and shift into his humble abode. She never gave anyone a proper reason as to why she didn't want to live with her mate despite making things alright with him, though she knew it very well.

She didn't want to leave her baby sister alone.

It had been five years since Daria had found and lost her mate, and plenty of times had she gotten the pitiful glances from the ladies of the pack who respected her, and found her courageous, but thought that she would always miss a part of her. Raya loved her sister and had seen her and her wolf go through torture as the pain of the mates separation struck them afresh each day, but over the time the shock had lessened and they both started to let the reality sink in.

Maybe Emerson and Daria's seperating was written in the stars, because Raya had been taught since she was little, that everything happened for a reason, but Daria hadn't deserved to experience fatal hardships.

The name Emerson Cardin at first was a forbidden word in their house, that was until Daria realised what they were doing and demanded each of them to stop acting as if she was a fragile piece of glass, she had let go of the past and thought that it was now her families chance.

'This will always be my home Ria, even if I don't live here.' Raya stuck her tongue out at her sister. She stood up with one hand gently placed on her baby bulge, caressing it with a fond expression.

'I can't wait for her to be born, I always wanted a younger sister, but a niece will have to do.' Daria grinned, eyeing her sister up and down.

'It's a boy.' Raya groaned frustrated, both her sister, and her husband were determined that Nicholas was going to be Nicola, but her gut feeling told her that the baby was going to be a little copy of Christopher. Chris even agreed to let the baby be named solely by Raya if she turned out to be a he, they would know that very day as she had to visit the pack clinic for her routine check up.

Daria rolled her eyes, and snapped her fingers. She was about to retaliate to her sisters comment when she felt something crawling on her shoulder. She screamed and started to lightly flick the insect off her, and her darling sister just stood laughing, not moving an inch to put her out of her misery.

'The least you can do is help me.' Dario made a face, the living nightmare flew and sat on the the ground, walking towards the window.

'But I don't like beetles.' She shrugged, casually leaning against the table top. She took a bite out of her food and sighed satisfied with the taste.

'That's the reason I like Alan more than I like you.' Daria huffed, unlocking her phone and going through her messages.

'Don't be a mad wolf Ria, you know I love you. But my baby loves the food more.' The doorbell rang and Daria made her way towards it with her cell phone still in her hands. She opened the door with a smile, as she had caught the scent of her best friend.

'Alan!' She hugged him, opening the door a little wider. She payed no attention to the suspicious package in his hand, which he held away from his body so that it wasn't crushed.

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