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A hand closed around her mouth and pulled her into the room next to the tall bookshelves. She struggled against the tight vice grip on her hand and jabbed an elbow into her attackers stomach.

'Oomph!' Air rushed out of the tall blonde man's mouth, as he glared at his best friend with an ice cold expression.

'Alan!' Daria exclaimed, making the mentioned boy place another hand over her mouth, shaking his head rapidly and pretending to zip his mouth shut. He waited for a few seconds not moving his hand and finally released it when Daria started to lightly pinch it.

The moment his hands stood free she threw her arms around his neck and let out a happy sob. He gently rested his hand on her head and smiled, smoothing her wild hair, simultaneously untangling it.

'I'm sorry for hitting you.' She whispered, tears I'm her eyes. He simply shrugged and tilted his head, unable to keep a serious expression. He had finally found his best friend, and he felt at peace despite not being out of danger.

Alan put his hand in his pocket and removed his cell phone, his fingers moving fast as he typed a message for her into it.

We are here to take you back home.

Those words were the best ones she had read in her whole life. Home. The place where she would hopefully finally be at rest, without any drama surrounding her.

'How did you find me?' She asked him, Castile's face flashing into her mind. He handed over the cell phone to her.

That's something we'll talk about later, for now we need to get out of here as soon as possible. It may get messy.

Daria nodded, looking around at the familiar room. She had been there before with Emerson and knew how to get to the pack grounds from there, but wasn't sure if they would encounter a lot of guards on the way.

'How did you get here?' He started to type another message.

I have been keeping tabs on your room for a few days now. I think you're either deaf or blind, because you have ignored every pebble I've thrown. This pack isn't very big on scents and security.

'Everyone has a different smell that makes it tough to spot the intruders, I too have noticed that.' She whispered. 'They rely more on their hearing.'


Daria smiled, covering her ears with both her hands.

'No need to shout.' He sighed, shaking his head amused at the long running joke between them that had started when they watched a movie, a chick flick of some sort that Daria had insisted on despite his horror.


'You've become extremely bossy Mr. Alan.' She said while stealthily trying to move around without anybody seeing her. He rolled his eyes and stopped her, his nose flaring.

He touched his nose and pointed upwards, asking if she could smell anything. She shook her head. But the next moment they heard footsteps come their way forcing them to scramble the other way. Instead of staying quiet, Daria faked a loud high pitch giggle followed by a sort of moan that made it sound like something crazy was going on.

The footsteps faded away and Daria let out another giggle when she turned to see that the tip of her friends ears had turned a bright red and so had his cheeks.

'How was that for acting?' She asked, her eyes twinkling. He shot her an annoyed eye roll and continue to pull her somewhere. They got ready to leave from the back window, but that's when the trouble started.

Someone stood by the door, and they didn't seem very happy to see Daria escaping. Low growls started to emit from the back of his throat and he gracefully pounced on Daria who side stepped him, although she couldn't dodge his sharp nails that dug into her right side.

'Run, don't stop.' Alan whispered with wide eyes, pushing her out of the window before the other man could get up. He started to shift into his wolf and Alan followed Daria out of the window. Alan shifted into his wolf, and Daria closed her eyes, hoping that her wolf had permanently come back to her.

And she wasn't disappointed, her bones cracked and she stood tall and proud in the form of her beautiful black wolf. Alan glanced at her for a second and took note of the loss of fur that occurred in criss-crossed stripes over her shoulder and a major portion of her back. He knew what caused them, and that didn't make him happy.

He let out a cross between a growl and a whine and nudged her body, they both started to run. The forest around them was extremely dense for an entire werewolf pack to fit through, or even for a single wolf to speed past the trees. That caused Emerson's pack to be very well protected as they didn't really expect people to be able to come across it without detection.

They also had a lot of territory before the woods, so the pair would have to move fast as the fallen man might have already alerted the rest of the pack.

And he had.

The minute Alpha Emerson received the information he tied his clothes around his ankle and started to run in wolf form towards his territory border with murder in his eyes. He wouldn't let his mate run away with a strange man, or anybody for a matter of fact. A large number of his fighters followed their Alpha, and they were a force to see. Their numbers may have been less compared to another larger pack, but the extensive training they had undergone made them look like vicious beasts.

His sharp eyes caught hold of two wolves and a deafening rumble made them look behind. That was their mistake as they were soon surrounded.

Daria swished her tail nervously, she had a feeling that he would try his best to hurt her after what happened a few days back, but there was no guarantee for Alan.

She let out a warning growl and the leader replied with one of his own.

Just when she thought that her bid for freedom had failed, more wolves prowled out from the woods surrounding them. Eyes glowing, and their stance ready for a fight. But these she recognised, she could name most of them with the smell provided to her nose itself.

The Sigmore pack had arrived, they had come to take their Warriors daughter back.


*creepily smiles at you*

So... Your thoughts?

Brace your hearts, pull out your weapons(or your claws) and get ready, because it is going down!

Minor shock for y'all in the next chapter, stick around and come back in a day or two, the update will be ready for you.

Lots and pots of love,

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