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'So, what exactly are you?' Daria asked the bored looking man who was tapping away on his phone. His hand moved and Daria caught a glimpse of his screen which showed resemblance to some sort of colourful trivia game.

'I'm a werewolf.' He said with an expression so straight that Daria couldn't figure out whether that was a lame attempt at a joke or a serious reply. He cracked a smile and yawned, standing up and walking closer to her.

'That was-'

'Lame, I know.' He cut her off. 'I'm your, keeper, I'd call myself. I'm supposed to take care of things that are related to you.'

'Why couldn't your Alpha do that himself?' She went closer to the silver coated bars, but careful enough to not touch it.

'He claimed that he didn't want to waste any time on you.' He informed Daria, with an apologetic expression.

'You said he claimed, that means you believe something else?'

'Yes, I do.' But the Keeper didn't elaborate any further.

'I don't want him around anyway.' She confessed. 'In fact, the farther away he is, the better.'

'You say that now, but I've seen how werewolves react when they stay away from their mate for a long time. Especially if the said mate is in such a close proximity.' His intelligent reply threw Daria out of focus, there was a sort of raw pain in his tone that made her realise that someone close to him or he himself, probably experienced it.

She barely knew the man, so she couldn't ask him to clear her suspicions, so she settled for an easier question.

'What's your name?'

'Wouldn't you like to know?'

'Does anyone in your pack answer without asking something else first?' She asked.

'I'm not sure I'm supposed to tell you.'

'What can I do with your name, black magic? I don't know if you realise this but I have no supplies.' He let out a short laugh.

'Roman Wilde, that's what my name is. What's yours?'

'You didn't hear it?'

'I did, but everyone should get a chance to introduce themselves, don't you think?' Daria smiled, she was thinking that she might not have to pretend to like the man after all.

'Daria Kanos. I would put my hand out for a shake but I don't want to burn myself.'

'Completely understandable.' He grinned. 'How about an air shake?'

'Really?' Daria asked in amusement, unfolding her arms that were rested in front of her stomach. She raised it in the air, palm inwards and shook it once while he imitated her actions. 'Pleasure to meet you.'

'The pleasures all mine madam.' He bowed deeply, and mocking removed an invisible hat.

'So do you behave with all your prisoners this way?' She sat down once again, with her back against the wooden plank kept.

'Only real special ones.' He winked. 'And you aren't a prisoner here, coming to this place for the one being was our choice.'

'So you're telling me that he would have kept the room above unlocked for me to roam around freely?' She questioned.

'Well, I meant that you aren't a typical prisoner.' He gave an apologetic smile.

'Is there a reason that he's like that? Isn't meeting your mate supposed to be the biggest moment of a werewolves life, I don't understand why is he so against the concept.'

'There's no known reason, but I think it's the distraction that comes along with it. He may not be the most liked person in general, but as an Alpha? He is perfect, there isn't a single pack member who wouldn't lay down their life for him, that's if he ever allowed it.' The way Roman Wilde spoke with so much affection for his Alpha made her hopes of him ever helping her drown, but her wolf also felt immense pride for her mates status amongst fellow wolves.

Daria was silent for quite some time, lost deep in her thoughts, they were random and vague, not necessarily of a particular thing. But her mind put forward a picture of her mate every few seconds.

New footsteps joined Roman Wilde's pacing ones, walking towards the two werewolves. A stump, short man appeared who looked a little pudgy from everywhere. He had a plate of simple food in a tray, alongside was a bottle of water.

'This is the food sent for her.' He said in a deep gravelly voice that by no means matched his appearance. This made Daria snort out loud and the man sent her a dirty look.

Roman was smirking, one end of his mouth pulled up in a charming way that made him look more handsome than he already did. The other man left and Roman turned to Daria, his face clearly showing that he was suppressing his laughter as it was turning a little red.

'He looked a wee little but like a sausage with a mustache didn't he.' Roman asked, his eyebrows furrowing in mischief.

'You bet he did.' They laughed.

She took the plate onto her lap and was about to bite into it when the thought struck her that it could be drugged with sedatives, so she hesitated, pushing the food aside rather grumpily.

'Aren't you hungry?' He asked her confused.

'Not really.' She said, but in reality she was thinking about the long walk she had endured under the sun during the afternoon. Her mother's baked cookies came into her mind and her stomach grumbled in hunger, it was loud enough for Roman's strong ears to catch the sound.

'Are you sure you aren't hungry?'

'I told you I'm not.' She snapped, convinced that something had been slipped into her food, or else why would a stranger show so much concern for the person his beloved Alpha seemed to hate?

His expression hardened as he rolled his eyes at her dramatic behaviour, a hunger strike wasn't the smartest thing, especially if she was already weakened.

'Don't eat it, but I'll let you know that if you keep the food like that for a long time, there are some big fat rats going to crawl out.'


I was #59 in werewolf!

This week I may not be able to give y'all a Friday update since I've got a lot of untouched assignments , but I'll try my best :)

Is there anyone out there who actually waits for Alpha Male's updates?

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