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It has been three days since the wedding. Me and Jin are the ones who are checking Sana if she's still alive after that event. Thankfully, she still is.

"She's locking herself inside her room," her dad told me when we visited her earlier. "She doesn't want any guests or visitors."

"But I'm a friend, sir, not a guest nor a visitor." I said.

He laughed slightly, "I'm still sorry, dear. She doesn't want to see anyone right now."

"Even a friend?" He nodded. My shoulders fell. "Well, did she already eat?"

"She's still not eating. She looks like she's losing weight." He shook his head and sighed. "I hope you'd understand her situation."

"We understand, sir." Jin replied. "Thank you for today."

"Thank you, too, for looking after Sana." We bowed at each other and we went back to our car. I stole a glance on Sana's bedroom window before we leave, hoping that she would come down and atleast eat with us.

I understand that no one knows what she feels, but I want her to feel that we're here for her. I don't want her to feel alone after that horrible wedding. I don't want her to think that there's no reason for her to live anymore. Because there's us,  and her family.

I received a text message from Jimin.

From: dahyun's slave

Street cab. Lunch. Gang.

11:54 AM

I felt stupid after reading his text message. Sometimes, I wonder why does he text us with only key words. The last time that he texted me, he gave me these key words: Joonie's. Movie. Gang. I was staring at those keywords for about 10 minutes and I still didn't get it. I gave it to Jin and he has no idea what did Jimin said, too. I called him and asked him what did his text message wants to say.

"Hahahaha! We'll have a movie marathon at Joonie's house together with the gang!" I remember him saying that.

"Hon, Jimin texted me." I told Jin. He pulled the breaks because it's a red light.

"What key words did he texted?" I laughingly told him the key words. He smirked and continued driving when the traffic light lighted the green one.

After Jin's 10 minutes drive, we reached Street Cab. Street Cab is somewhat an American-themed fastfood chain here in Seoul. It is most probably the one and only cheap and American chain here. I don't know. He parked and we hopped off. We entered the place with our hands interlocked.

"Good thing you got the text." We saw Jimin walking downstairs. We walked towards him. "You guys are late. Treat the gang."

"Treat your face, Dahyun's slave." Jin scoffed, but Jimin laughed. "Just go upstairs, will you, Park Jimin?"

"Let's go!" He led us upstairs and we saw the gang. We owned the second floor of the fastfood chain. Assumably because we're the only people in that place. "Lunch is on Jin and Mina's!" The gang celebrated when Jimin announced it.

"You prick." Jin told him. "I won't be treating you guys. What Jimin said is not true." I sat with them and automatically, the food was served.
"We won't be paying any of these." I said and started munching a slice of pizza.

"Of course, you will, penguin." Dahyun said and ate her pasta.

"Plus, you're rich. You can afford anything." Chaeng said while feeding her boyfriend sweetly. I turned my head away from the sweet scene. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter.

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